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    • The Dark Tide 3 - The Last Hope

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    • Huh? How do you play?????????????

      And by the way, if I can play, I want to be the Zachit Commander.


    • I have a vague idea now. Tell me if this is suitable:

      I'll have fighter pilot skills, by the way.

      The Miranu and Zachit suffer a civil war. The Corocians watch, wondering
      whether to attack or let them fight it out. At the head of the war, President
      Kayla of Mira, and Zacha Esponer of the Zachit. Esponer seeks to control all
      of Miranu space, which is now greatly diminished, and try and make use of a
      new weapon - the Photonic Disruptor - that is currently being developed by the

      The Photonic Disruptor, together with it's supercruiser the M.S.S Dragoon, have
      a long way to go. The work undergone so far is kept in an underground facility
      on Mira.

      Many civilizations seek to take the Photonic Disruptor, but a strange shield is
      blocking Mira off. The Azdgari claim to know how to break it, but haven't acted

      The civil war is siding with Zacha Esponer. He has issued a reward of 20 million
      credits - the entire Zachit treasury, to anyone who can supply a plasma
      output, a special device used by one of the people captured by the Voinians
      in the original EVO.

      This device is needed for the Photonic Disruptor, as is 75 million credits.

      Esponer seeks an ally, but will anyone side with him?


    • a Fleet of 20 Cruisers, 50 Frigates, and 120 Supply ships warps into orbit around station Unity. The station panics for a minute, until an announcement comes from the lead frigate:
      "What do you need help with?"

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

    • The war between the Miranu and the Zachit draws to a close. All Miranu bases
      have been crushed - Esponer now controls the work on the Photonic Disruptor.

      Meanwhile, a scientist who isn't entirely sane is working on an idea for a
      warp in the systems around Mira - now named Zania. Esponer is helping him
      with mone, which is straining the Zachit's treasury. Trading is at an all time

      The only chance the Zachit have is to finish their technology before they
      are crushed. Their soldiers are brave, but cannot face the might of the Corocians.

      Luckily, the other empires aren't showing any signs of attacking - yet.

      Esponer has organised a method of receiving funds. He has sent out nearly a
      hundred Zachit members with fake IDs to act as mercenaries. They do jobs for
      anyone as long as the job doesn't result in fighting other Zachit, and they
      send half their money to Esponer.

      These mercenaries are fiercely loyal, and cannot be converted by anyone.


    • Message To Voinian High Command. < Encryption level 8 >

      I suggest we atack the Centuari System with fleets 54,67 and 152.

      Requesting 3m credits for reaserch on a new ship type.

      <End Message>


    • Esponer, you don't need to have a civil war. Since there is no commander for the Miranu or Zachit, you could just say that the old president, Alien, was shot and killed, and so you took over. No need for the special shield, civil war, and such. All you have to do is hide the photonic disruptor and no one will know about it, but be careful. The Corocians will try to find any leaks in Miranu security to get more information about the Miranu, and they're very good at spying.

      You also immediately start out with 25 million credits as a new player. Respect the rules, as well as the desicions made by the moderators. Also remember that when you attack, give the person you are attacking enough time to defend themselves.

      Redchigh is now officially in command of the Voinian Empire. Borb Jr. will be his second in command and control the Voinians when Redchigh isn't around. Fair Red?

      USS Bristol, the Voinians are no longer at war with the UE. The Corocians forced the UE to surrender and now occupy their space. Besides, you have no position in the Voinian military as far as I know.

      BTW, Esponer, remember that the Miranu are being raided by the Voinians, Azdgari, Renegades, and Corocians on a daily basis.


      Trading and commerce is increasing in the Corocian Alliance. With the UE slowly being allowed more and more freedoms, the Saalian Brandy trade with the Renegades, and the Voinians and Azdgari also starting to increase trading, life was prosperous for the Corocian Alliance.

      The Corocians are also starting to work on a smaller version of the Corocian Supercruiser that is to be called the Corocian Battlecruiser. It is to have half the weapons, one fourth the shields and armor, but only 1.7 kilometers long and quite fast for its size.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 03-15-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 03-15-2001).)

    • Taking the comm unit, Thunder answers the hail from the lead Frigate, "Welcome to Station Unity. We don't have anything specific... wait... I've heard that the Voinians are quite good with ship armor, right?"

      "The best in the galaxy." The commander of the Frigate replied.

      "Well," Thunder said, "We've been trying to improve the armor on Station Unity. iIn case we ever find ourselves in a war zone, we want to be able to stand up to any stray rocket fire we might incur. Unfortunately, our efforts haven't been all that successful. We simply don't have the knowledge to strengthen the station's armor. I'm not asking you to share any technological secrets, just to help us improve the station's existing armor. If you could help us to do that, we'd be grateful. In the meantime, whether you can help us with that or not, you're all welcome to come on board the station. Docking areas 26 through 32 are clear, ready for docking and refueling.

      The commander considers his response...

      A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
      "We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
      But though you may find this slightly macabre,
      We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."

    • Titan starts building a fleet of 30 destroyers. Carno is there any wars going on right now?

      Visit Arada Pilots great board here (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

    • Not really, or at least no major ones. The Miranu are raided by the Azdgari, Corocians, and Renegades. And the Igadzra are also being raided by the Azdgari, Corocians, and Renegades. The Voinians and UE are not at war with anyone.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • U.S.S. Bristol, attacking Centauri would violate the UE surrender terms and the Corocians would retaliate.

      In UE testing, it is disovered that the metal Xranthium is totally resistant to energy weapons. Scientists have bombarded it with high energy photons from a Neutron Cannon, and the sample has held without any damage at all! It also proves to be a strong barrier against projectile weapons, like the Emalgha Cannon and the Rocket. Xranthium only becomes soft and workable when heated to temperatures of 5000ş F or higher. Practical application of this strange substance is still being researched.

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • Samurai, you must realize the Corocians will want a summary on this new metal of yours. But remember that they don't want a sample, just an analysis.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • I want the civil war to help establish my personality.

      If given the chance, later on I'll dump the Zachit and make my own new

      You see, in this story, Esponer is a very ambitious man. He wants the galaxy,
      and won't settle for less, even if he does have no chance whatsoever.

      About the 25 million - I have that, but the Zachit themselves don't. Don't
      worry, I think they'll decide to hate me soon enough.

      Everyone knows about the Photonic Disruptor, by the way. Miranu refugees
      are happy to tell any story whatsoever.

      I know I'm making this hard for myself, but I decided to change my playing
      style in this last night, and I'm working towards that now.

      About the raids, I'm ignoring most of the land being raided. I'm holding
      Mira, Zachit and three other systems around there (don't ask which, I haven't
      played in ages and can't remember).


    • Also, a question.

      Which side is Titan on?

      If he's against the Corocians, then I formally ask him to side with me, and
      offer him 5m credits and any technologies he wishes to solidify the alliance.

      I am, by the way, deleting my former claim of a 20m credits reward. I have
      instead sent out agents to attempt infiltration, despite the difficulty in
      this task. Please let me keep my civil war, too.


      Esponer views the Azdgari raid with despair. More resources lost, more
      people killed. Victory is going to be difficult - the Corocians will soon
      hear of the Photonic Disruptor, and after that attacks will be numerous.

      An alliance with the Igadzra, and perhaps Titan, will be vital. The warships
      will be able to hold the enemies off until the weapon is ready, and with an
      alliance with the Igadzra the S.S Dragoon won't be necessary - instead, several
      Igazras latched together could hold the Photonic Disruptor.

      Esponer wheels his Crescent Fighter, the Darkwing, away from the Azdgari raiders.
      "Dispatch Zachit to chase them." he says over the comm. line. "And make sure
      those mines are ready soon."


    • I had a position in the Voinian military in the first
      "Dark Tide".


    • A detailed analysis of the element Xrantuim is dispatched to the Corocians. Research continues.

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • "What's wrong?" Esponer asks the out of breath Zachit.

      "Our operation in Voinia has been revealed. They killed some of our people."
      the tall Zachit officer replied.

      "How many?"

      "All of them, except me."

      "Why do my plans always fail? I need that Plasma Output - somehow. What about
      the outer portion of my space?" Esponer addressed his second in command.

      "Not really ours anymore. The people are fighting back, but they have denounced
      you as a leader for abandoning them."

      "I can't protect everyone. Anyway, I want you to buy and equip a Crescent Warship.
      It will be mine. I intend to wreak havoc amongst the renegades to the north."

      And by the way, I've done it before, and with fighter pilot skills listed, I think
      I should be allowed to say that in a well equipped Crescent Warship I can very easily
      wreak as much havoc against renegades as I want.

      After all, they don't have a person playing as them to give good orders, nor do they
      have any very powerful ships.

      If there's a problem with this statement, just tell me.


    • I hadn't looked at the map before.

      Are you looking for a good game or an ego trip?

      I can't see any reason to play when the odds are this bad.

      Esponer resigns.

      Henceforth, all former messages from me don't exist - there is no Photonic


      (This message has been edited by Esponer (edited 03-16-2001).)

    • Carno there isn't much to do in this story, if I attacked you I would be crushed. If something doesn't happen soon I might kill my character.
      Visit Arada Pilots great board here (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Titan (edited 03-16-2001).)

    • I geuss Dark Tide is gonna end soon, however, there are three governments (the Azdgari, the Voinians, and the Igadzra) who could become really strong and fight back against everyone. Besides, Kiwi and Redchigh aren't around, and the Igadzra don't have a commander. Whoever wants to control them can.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).