Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
**... we members check the boards a lot more often than the mods do, and of course, the mods would have the final say, but still! the mods miss things!
No offence but this is a load of fetid crap. You have no idea of the amount of time the mods spend on these boards. It's a lot, and that's why they're appointed. I know this because I spend a lot of time here and I look at who's browsing the boards. Most are mods so don't get the impression that mods aren't an efficient team of trained karmaslappas 
ΒΒThe Crab
April 1st is the day upon which we are reminded what we are on the other 364 - Mark Twain
A holiday is just another word meaning escape. The difference is escape can be forever - Gunsh
Everyday of my life, I'm forced to add another name to the long list of people that piss me off - my favourite T-shirt.