Originally posted by Igor Rigadaz:
Moving on to another thing, only slightly related, is Religion. In EVO, there is none present. Would the discovery of worlds and alien species negate christianity? I would say so. Either that, or the bible would be altered again; similar to what happened when explorers found the Americas. Would the Aliens have similar beliefs, are something totally off the deep end. Speculation is much appreciated!;)
Hmm.....Well, the aliens should have their own religions, and they probly do, but EVO just doesn't take the time to point it out. Oh, BTW, I have a pair of funny planet descreption from EV:
Rupert in the Persephone system: 'Rupert is a small moon home to a group of religious fanatics, followers of the Order of the Holy Mac'
(I can't remember the planet's name): 'The people of this planet have a peculiar religion—they believe that one day a giant turtle will descend from the heavens and deliver them from evil'.
Quite frankly, I found it funny, but I doubt any sort of real religious fanatics would find it so, but I also doubt that there are any on this board.
ESPilot; Date of Birth: ?,
Time of Death: ?, ship's name: U.E.S. Relentless, Combat Rating: Deadly.