Woah! I finally got around to registering, so all you wonderful people get to read this post. And you'd better count my vote, too! Or else...I'll be mildly upset! Bum bum BUMMMM I'm also a bit of a rambler, to bear with me, because I love to state my opinion.
I've only been playing EVO for two weeks, but even then it was enough to grab the 15 bucks. I'm an oldschool EV player, who's played the classic since it's release date. EVO did not dissipoint me. (I'm also a bad speller, and will probably butcher the Strand names. Sorry.) I also have had little contact with the strand ships, though I've blown up my fair share of them, I really haven't flown them.
Normally, my amazingly funny sense of humor would say that the esacpe pod is the best ship. Think about it...blindingly fast, and INVINCABLE. Who needs weapons? Who needs life suppose beyond two hours? Who needs control? Who needs shields, or even armor, for that matter?
Come to think about it...maybe I'll post my REAL vote the the UE Cruiser. I've upgraded mine to the point where it's worth more than what I paid for it. The only ship that posed a problem for it was the Dreadnaught. Yet still, it blew up. I've got eight blaze weapons installed on thay baby, five of which are turrets. I can stop any of your fancy-shamcy fighters dead. Plus, my five UE fighters will annoy you while you uselessly pound against my quad-enhanced shields. I don't even need that armor! (Well...I can't GET that armor, because all the V-people...I can't even spell their name right, is scared of my ship.) I've named it, as I name all my ships, the Blockade Runner. Why? Because it sounds cool. Needle missiles and hunter missiles chew into anything long before they come into range of my energy weapons. All three engine upgrades give my ship surprisingly quick response. The seven-system range ensures I can dive deeply into enemy territory, kick the crap out of them, and run back to recharge. Don't even bother with your missiles, my needle jammer and ECM system makes it nearly impossible, when combined with my awesome piloting skills, to hit my with secondary guided weapons. I've destroyed three V cruisers at once, though granted I was well into the armor bar before they died.
So that's my vote. Which should count as two, since my wrist now hurts, typing all of this. Bleh.
Then again...without multiplayer support Nudgenudge to Matt we'll never really know...
United Earth Cruiser.
"They're going to try ta' kill us with a forklift!"