Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Ship Poll for EV Override. Come and Vote!

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      I saw a similar poll like this on the Escape Velocity board by Nova6, so I thought I would go ahead and start one here. What is your favorite spacecraft is the game of Override? You don't have to give a reason or long description on why, just post your vote, and they'll be added up as we go. 🙂

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

      Hmmmm...My vote would probably be for the either the Crescent Warship, UE destroyer, or UE fighter. I'm going to go for the UE destroyer. Now post your vote!

      (This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 02-17-2001).)

    • Hmmm... So this is a poll for Your favorite ship? Okay then....

      My favorite ship is the Voinian Cruiser. Strong, powerful, heavily armed, tons of extra space, and all that other stuff. It looks really cool too!

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **Hmmm... So this is a poll for Your favorite ship? Okay then....

      My favorite ship is the Voinian Cruiser. Strong, powerful, heavily armed, tons of extra space, and all that other stuff. It looks really cool too!


      Sorry. I fixed that. "Now post your vote!" 🙂 Voinian Cruiser isn't a bad pick...It's good when you want to blow the universe up.

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • A ship poll? what a new and brilliant idea! I can't believe no one's thought of that before!!!... oh wait.......

      "There is no spoon"
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Flatulence:
      **A ship poll? what a new and brilliant idea! I can't believe no one's thought of that before!!!... oh wait.......


      Uh...Yeah wait...This is a board for posting a vote on your favorite ship, and if you aren't going to vote, then just don't post on this topic in the first place, even if you do think it's another crazy poll. 🙂 Thanks!

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Don't take any insults from anyone about making a new ship poll seriously, Captain Skyblade. There are some people out there which can't stand polls, even though there HASN'T been ONE poll on this board for at least two or three WEEKS!

      Voinian Cruisers are my favorite pick. As I said, strong, powerful, and able to take on anything in the galaxy. UE Cruiser and the Igazra are my second favorite.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **Don't take any insults from anyone about making a new ship poll seriously, Captain Skyblade. There are some people out there which can't stand polls, even though there HASN'T been ONE poll on this board for at least two or three WEEKS!

      Voinian Cruisers are my favorite pick. As I said, strong, powerful, and able to take on anything in the galaxy. UE Cruiser and the Igazra are my second favorite.


      Yes. Thanks Carnotaur, I'm glad to hear that. So there will always be "The Poll haters"... 😉

      I would like the Voinian Cruiser more if it weren't for the fact that is is SO sluggish. I like agility much more then immense size and firepower. Oh well, everyone has their reasons. 🙂

      Current Satistics:

      UE Destroyer: 1 vote
      Voinian Cruiser: 1 vote

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • The UE Destroyer is a nice warship for beginners, but the Igazra, UE Cruiser, Crescent Warship, and Voinian Cruiser are all much better. Of course, since this is a personnal preference poll, I'll just say that I dislike the UE Destroyer. Too weak, too little firepower, just not my type of ship IMHO.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Personally I prefer the UE Destroyer.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Taylor:
      **Personally I prefer the UE Destroyer.


      Yes. I agree. I think smaller ships are easier to control and maintain then big, capital ships. Is that a vote? 🙂

      UE Destroyer: 2 votes
      Voinian Cruiser: 1 vote

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • I like and always did like big, heavy, massive capital ships that can blast away just about anything else.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **I like and always did like big, heavy, massive capital ships that can blast away just about anything else.


      Yeah, but it just makes it fun when you're in a ship that takes a challenge to destroy bigger ships. 🙂

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • I vote for the Zidara. It's fast, maneuverable, and phased beams kick butt!


      (P.S. You might want to consolidate all your "Current Statistics" posts into a single post, and edit it each time there are new votes to tabulate. It'll make things a lot less cluttered.)

      Do not taunt the Happy Fun Ball. If Happy Fun Ball starts to smoke, run away and take cover.

    • Lazira or Zidara.Matters what I'm doing in the game.I've only used the CW once.

      If you know what Pern is go to
      If you know what Harvest moon is go to

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rima:
      **Lazira or Zidara.Matters what I'm doing in the game.I've only used the CW once.


      Ok. Guess I'll give a vote for both of them.

      ~Cap'n Skyblade

    • Zidara. But it could and should be easily improved - more fuel, ability to sell fighter bay and ability to buy 3rd turret spring to mind.


    • I'd have to say the Crescent Warship. Incredibly strong, powerful, and agile enough (it's at its best when you add all the accelerators).

      "Well, we could grind
      our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
      **Yeah, but it just makes it fun when you're in a ship that takes a challenge to destroy bigger ships.:)

      ~Captain Skyblade**

      True, challenge is good, and I do like fast ships. That's why I especially like the Igazra and UE Cruiser (when I do use them) because they are quite fast and easy to handle, unlike the Voinian Cruiser.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • I like the Igazara, because it's manuverable( wenupgraded) , has lots of space and has a lots of offensive and defensive power. It gets my vote.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **True, challenge is good, and I do like fast ships. That's why I especially like the Igazra and UE Cruiser (when I do use them) because they are quite fast and easy to handle, unlike the Voinian Cruiser.


      Yes, I agree. I usually stick to smaller, more agile ships, but every once in awhile I go to a big, slow ship. 🙂

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")