Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Moments of Pride and Accomplishment

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      Let's have a little fun and turn this into a Spaceport Bar. Share some of your best moments, or "most fun" battles you've ever participated in. In otherwords, brag a bit. 🙂

      I'll share a few moments I felt proud to be a UE Officer. 'Other day I was in my Ol' Arada "Firebird-1" and I decided to go to the UE/Voinian Front. After completing the Azdgari Missions, and having that nice Experimental Shield Generator, along with a regular one, and all the other nice stuff, I felt my ol' Arada and it's 4 swivel phase cannons were ready to handle some Voinian Turtles. So I arrived in the Bakka System, and I see my first target: A Voinian Cruiser. Ofcourse it started launching it's fighters at me. I took 'em out with the "Monty-Python" with ease, and was ready to take HIM on. So I circled, dodged, shot, python-ed, every trick used. I had been doing this for about 3 or 4 minutes constantly, doing pretty well, and along comes a lone UE Fighter. Obviously, he decides to help, throwing in his rockets and hunter missiles, and a few blaze shots, but it doesn't work out too well for him, and he becomes disabled, and floats off away from the Cruiser. I jump back into the battle, and do I think 2 or 3 more circles around him, by this time I was high on armor, low on shields, and I disabled the bastard! I boarded him, took as much as I could - Only some fuel which I didn't need, but I took it anyway, tried to capture him with that wonderful 1% chance! Ofcourse it didn't work, so I shot him some more, and eventually blew him up! 'First Voinian Cruiser I ever took out!

      Anyone else got any good battle stories? Grab a mug o' Saalian Brandy and share away!

      - Captain Stud Beefpile
      - UE Naval 238th Squadron
      - Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader

      (This message has been edited by Stud Beefpile (edited 02-25-2001).)

    • You took out a Cruiser with swivel phase cannons!? Wow...No wander it took so long. 🙂 I can't remember my first victory against the Voinians, because it was years ago. Lets see...What good story do I have to tell...

      Oh yeah! This was with the help of a plugin, but it was a blast! If anyone is familiar with the "Ue Battleship" plugin, you should no how fun it is taking on a fleet of ships in this big guy. I was doing the mission against the pirate system of Pariah. Of course, when I got there, there were about 12-15 Turncoats there, and a LOT of kraits. Even with the help of my four UE destroyer escorts, the battle lasted for 8 1/2 minutes. My shields were down to 3% (mentioning the UE Battleship has well over 1000 in shield stats) and only one of the UE destroyers remained. What made it so cool, though, was that every spot of the screen was covered with ships. Either running towards my 10 blaze turrets or attacking one of the UE Destroyers. Believe me, as big as my ship was, I was surprised I made it, especially since I didn't even attempt the Monty Python. It kinda reminded me of the Battle of Endor. Oh well, that's one of my many stories! 🙂

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Geez! What dull people are on here! Me and Skyblade are the only ones with good enough stories to post on here? I KNOW you people have exciting battles and experiences! Share 'em!

      - Captain Stud Beefpile
      - UE Naval 238th Squadron
      - Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader

    • Ok, I got one! Once I was in my UE Destroyer (the mid-sized one, bigger than a fighter, smaller than a carrier, you know?) and I was sent in to destroy the Dreadnaught! And, get this, when I warp in, along with me goes a group of 3 UE fighters and another destroyer! That's it! :eek: So, of course, they all get destroyed within 3 seconds, so I'm all alone. I had to circle and fire my blaze turrets for 10 minutes almost to bring that jerk and his big ship down! Ptoo! But it was cool, and I got a lot of cold, hard cash! 🙂

      No! No! You got it all wrong! The EYES! Go for the EYES!

    • Thats ALL you got? Jeez, never seen that little of a froce go in for that mission. I also congratulate you on destroying the Dreadnought by yourself. 🙂

      I use a strategy for that mission, I will try to get another mission from UE Officers on Outpost Alpha, so there is a bigger build up of UE Ships. Ofcourse this brings more Voinian ships, but generally, all the UE ships divert their cannons and turrets and fighters and missiles at the Dreadnought. 🙂

      - Captain Stud Beefpile
      - UE Naval 238th Squadron
      - Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader

    • For the Dreadnaught mission, I let the four UE Destroyers fight the Dreadnuaght to take out as much of its shields and armor while I Monty Python all the interceptors. After I've gotten rid of all the fighters and the UE Destroyers are no more, :frown: I go to hunter missiles. Usually, I scrap everything I don't need, and cram 60-70 hunter missiles into my ship (which is usually a UE Destroyer as well). The hunters will usually take out the Dreadnaught before I have to go in with minimum blaze fire.

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • I ran into a weird AI Arada the other day. I think his name was Fiery & Fury or Fiery * Fire or something along those lines. I ran into him at Zachit, and I saw him using pursuit missiles, coming after me pretty quickly, before getting him on the target screen, I thought I had pissed off some Zachit. It turned out to be a renegade! This guy had afterburners, dispy. rockets, and a LOT of sivel phase cannons. He was as fast as an Azdara, but with LOTS and I mean LOTS of shields and armor. It took me, and 3 other Zachit Aradas to bring him down. He died before I could board him :frown:

      Anyone got any good stories? Feel free to share!

      - Captain Stud Beefpile
      - UE Naval 238th Squadron
      - Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
      **I ran into a weird AI Arada the other day. I think his name was Fiery & Fury or Fiery * Fire or something along those lines. I ran into him at Zachit, and I saw him using pursuit missiles, coming after me pretty quickly, before getting him on the target screen, I thought I had pissed off some Zachit. It turned out to be a renegade! This guy had afterburners, dispy. rockets, and a LOT of sivel phase cannons. He was as fast as an Azdara, but with LOTS and I mean LOTS of shields and armor. It took me, and 3 other Zachit Aradas to bring him down. He died before I could board him :frown:

      Anyone got any good stories? Feel free to share!


      Wow. I've never heard of that guy before. Sounds pretty dangerous...What ship were you in at the time?

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Well, the best I have to offer is:

      In my Voinian Crusier doing the Zachit string (the one for the Gunship), I come on the last mission. I get to the Rock, and find 7 (!) CW there. My 4 Gunships died almost instanly. So I retreat to the edge of the system blowing up Cresent Fighter as I move, but they keep coming. My Heavy Fighters were trying to kill a Cresent Warship with no luck. When I get to the edge of the system, I have destroyed 5-6 Cresent Fighters (out ran them with my afterburner), so about 20 swarm me. I am down to about 25% armor, and am about to die, when my fighters return. I order them againist the Cresent Fighters, and within a few seconds, with my Neutron Turrets and my Fighters, they are gone. I have barely any armor left, and the Cresent Warships are gaining on me. My Fighters attacked them, but soon after they were blown up after destroying 1 more CW. So its 5 CWs vs. me with about 1% armor. I can't Monty Python them, I am cornered. Then, while trying to run, In see about 5 Zachit ships going after them. I pray and watch. They are only able to kill 2 of them. So now it's 3 CWs againist me. I keep my fingers on the Fire and Escape Pod keys and go in. of course, I didn't notice I had about 50% armor left! Doing a suicide run, I doubted my chances of surviving. But, due to my stupidty of not checking my armor, the CWs went down quickly. When I go back the Outpost Zachit, I hope for a huge reward. When I come back, I get 2.5 Million, hardly enough to cover the losses of my Fighters. I decided never to work for the Zachit agian ;).

      EVO is Life.
      The rest is just details.
      Visit my web site: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url)

    • Skyblade - My ol' Arada Firebird-1

      Deadman - WOW! I never thought of the power a voinian cruiser could have if it were controlled by a SMART captain 🙂

      - Captain Stud Beefpile
      - UE Naval 238th Squadron
      - Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader

    • (quote)Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
      **Skyblade - My ol' Arada Firebird-1

      Deadman - WOW! I never thought of the power a voinian cruiser could have if it were controlled by a SMART captain 🙂 Also, the Monty Python is basically useless when you fly the Voinian Cruiser: a flying hunk of a garbage can that dosen't know the meaning of the word "speed". 🙂

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Skyblade - You seem to doubt that I either did what I said in an Arada, or you doubt that I have an Arada. I guarentee you that I do not lie. An Arada with the Experimental Shield Generator, a regular Shield Generator, and 4 Shield Enhancers, accompanied by a layer of Dospect Armor will go a long way. With all that, and the power of speed, it is possible to to survive. 😉

      - Captain Stud Beefpile
      - UE Naval 238th Squadron
      - Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
      Have you killed a Voinian today?

      (This message has been edited by Stud Beefpile (edited 02-25-2001).)

    • Well, though the battle I'm about to describe here is not that mobile (like circling and fancy maneuvers), it was certainly my most intense battle from EVO. This battle was actually with a station-made-fightable-gunplatform that you are required to destroy in this one plug that I believe was "Beyond the Crescent" on page 8 of the EVO add-ons. Here goes:

      I think this station was called Crescent Station - the one that the Azdgari set up under orders from the Council in order to seal off the only safe passage beyond the Crescent. What this station is, as an enemy, is a stationary gunplatform with insanely fast shield regeneration rate (I'm talking far greater than that of the Alien fighter from EV), and a lot of phase turrets.
      Originally I tried staying just out of the station's range (very hard) and blasting away with the four phase turrets mounted on my Crescent Warship (I might have even had a plug that lets you max your guns too - four phase cannons + four turrets). For one, with just four phase turrets raining on it, Crescent Station seemed to be losing about 1% of its shields per 15 seconds (I can't quite remember). For another, constantly staying the proper distance from the station in order to avoid getting pounded by its turrets was quite hard. Finally, if you let up for a single moment, the station's shields are almost instantly regenerated. Whew! This tactic wasn't quite working out. It was so long and intense.
      A number of times I drained the station's shields to a very low level, but then I'd make a tiny mistake and get pounded by turrets or move out of my turrets' range. The station's shields would go back to max within seconds. Finally, I went and highered myself 6 Crescent Warship escorts. I used my original tactic, while keeping my escorts on standby, until the station's shields were very low again (perhaps 10% or lower). I then ordered all ships to attack! With 7 Crescent Warships (mine included),SADs and 18 Crescent Fighters attacking, the drained behemoth was FINALLY destroyed.
      I've had many exciting battles more interesting than that one. However, I must say that the above battle was the most INTENSE.


      originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
      **I ran into a weird AI Arada the other day. I think his name was Fiery & Fury or Fiery * Fire or something **

      Would this ship have also happened to have a Zidagar phase beam cannon? Recently I was able to capture such a ship, though I forget its name. Wow! Let me tell you, that ship made a great escort against Crescent fighters and Aradas. It would instantly take out the fighters with a short burst of its phase beam. This renegade escort might have even been able to take out a Lazira.

      The ones we love and the life we grow from

      (This message has been edited by Miyun (edited 02-25-2001).)

    • Damn, sounds like a fun battle.

      Yes this weird Arada did have a Phase Beam, but it was MUCH MUCH thicker than the Zidagar Phase Beam, perhaps it was using multiple beams and they were all next to each other...?

      - Captain Stud Beefpile
      - UE Naval 238th Squadron
      - Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
      Have you killed a Voinian today?

    • Where/how do you get a zidgar phase beam? do you have to complete a certain mission first?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
      ******, sounds like a fun battle.

      Yes this weird Arada did have a Phase Beam, but it was MUCH MUCH thicker than the Zidagar Phase Beam, perhaps it was using multiple beams and they were all next to each other...?


      Are you talking about the renegade ship that attacked you? Sounds like it has as much firepower as the Disco Bison. 🙂 And yes, Miyun, that battle sounded pretty intense, and fun, to me. So the station you were shooting at was really a giant gun platform?

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Quote

      Orginally posted by Stud Beefpile:
      Deadman - WOW! I never thought of the power a voinian cruiser could have if it were controlled by a SMART captain

      Aww, it was just luck. I don't think LoneVoinain likes that you called him stupid. Bet he flies a Voinain Crusier.

      EVO is Life.
      The rest is just details.
      Visit my web site: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url)

    • It wasn't as powerful as the Ol' Bison, but yeah he took a big chunk outta me. I just had to stay out of range from his weird mega-thick and mega-strong beam. Ofcourse, he had afterburners on as well, so It was a race and a battle! 😉 Luckily, some Zachit were there, and helped me out.

      Speaking of afterburners, does it annoy anyone else how fast and ANNOYING the Crescent Fighters are with afterburners? I recently started a new pilot, and have just done the NPD missions, and those CFs from the 6 or so CWs swarmed around me in seconds, and I had to use MY afterburners, wasting about half of my fuel tanks (Arada w/ 2 Extra Fuel Tanks) just to escape! It is now also VERY hard to monty python them! It is very annoying!

      - Captain Stud Beefpile
      - UE Naval 238th Squadron
      - Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
      Have you killed a Voinian today?

    • (quote)Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
      **It wasn't as powerful as the Ol' Bison, but yeah he took a big chunk outta me. I just had to stay out of range from his weird mega-thick and mega-strong beam. Ofcourse, he had afterburners on as well, so It was a race and a battle!:) That's why speed is everyhting...But when that happens, my favorite thing to do it do the Monty Python long enough to get a good distance away, and fire dispersal rockets at the fighters, and use your repulser beam. Either one will give some success.

      ~Captain Skyblade
      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Well I did the Dreadnought mission with a helian. The only UE ships were 2 destroyers, and I had 1 helian escort. The dreadnought was being attacked by the destroyers and my helian, while I made escorts of the fighters after me (why is it that fighters always go after the player in a battle?). Needless to say the Destroyers were destroyed, along with all of my escorts, but I destroyed the Dreadnought with my shields at 10% (or so, I don't remember). That was my greatest trick, though I've had really intense battles other then that(if you twist my arm I might even be willing to tell about one time that I was alone up against 9 turncoats in my freight-courier).

      "Well, we could grind
      our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."