(quote)Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**My best moment of pride and Accomplishment: When I became a moderator on the EV Banter &Brawl.; Good job!
~Cap'n Skyblade
(quote)Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**My best moment of pride and Accomplishment: When I became a moderator on the EV Banter &Brawl.; Good job!
~Cap'n Skyblade
You have, kinda; creating the Dreden War plug, as well as all those tons of PICTs on the EV Image Gallery.
To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**You have, kinda; creating the Dreden War plug, as well as all those tons of PICTs on the EV Image Gallery.
Well, in a sense, do I feel like "part of the club" here...I guess participating in the EVO image gallery counts. I would love to be a mod someday, though. Sounds like a fun and responsible job.
~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)
Orginally posted by Stud Beefpile:
Also, deadman, you said you "stole bronev plating". How did you steal bronev plating? And isn't that the armor Voinain Cruisers use?
Well, I was lying when I said I stole it, but it sounds good :). I actually made a plug-in that, after certain missions, you can get all Voinain Technology (inculding ships) on Paaren Station. In EV Nova, you ought to be able to steal something like that! (orders more Brandy) Great story BTW, Stud Beefpile! Keep it up!
e=mc Doh! Let me get my notepad
- Visit my Website:(url="http://"http://geocities.com/evo_info")EVO Info(/url)
(This message has been edited by DeadMan (edited 03-01-2001).)
Thanks deadman. Is your plug-in still availible? I wouldn't mind picking some of that armor for myself! if it is, what is it called, so I can get it off the addons page!
Anybody got some good stories? If so, share away!
- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation
by Stud Beefpile:
CHALLENGE! The idea of "Domination" sprung into my head! I thought over, while drifting in the Azdgari system, with Azdaras darting around me either trying to impress me, or just scan me, or bug me. Anyway, I thought over, "Who do I start with in the domination process? Voinians? Nah, too far away. Zidagar? Nah, fighters too annoying right now. Igadzra? Nah, I don't feel like fighting The Big Yellow ahem. Renegades? Nah, not fun. Then who?" If you haven't figured it out yet. "COUNCIL!"
I thought to myself "Oh, wow! poor person doesn't know..." Read the topic "Gadzair conquerable?" and you'll see what I mean. I liked your story though.
The ones we love and the life we grow from
Stud-No my plug-in's not avabile becuase there are some major bugs in it. Don't know how, but the Voinain Crusier is nothing, same with the UE Destroyer. I will fix them soon, and put the plug-in up on the add-ons page.
Anyway, just a few moments ago, I had an incredable battle. In my newest Pilot I was flying around in a UE Destroyer, the U.E.S. Killer, when I saw
After having done a FE mission to Outpost Gamma, I was going to skip town for a while to settle my nerves. I scan the system and find 1 Voinian Crusier-the V.E.S. Perserverence (or something like that). My Destroyer was oufited like the U.E.S. Inconvertiable, so I thought I could take this guy on. He attacked me first with his Fighters, and I picked them of without losing barely any sheilds. Now I launch Hunter Missles at him, hurting him to about 95% armor. Then I go in, Monty Pythoning him. I fire of all my Rockets at him, while my Neutron Turrets bombarded him from a long range. He was almost dead when I heard an alert-a Voinain Crusier and Frigate had just jumped in. I fired the last the shot to disable the V.E.S. Perserverence, and almost right after that the Heavy Fighters were upon me. Before I could take all of them out, I was down to no armor.
I saw no armor in the display! But there was no klaxon! So I know that one shot will kill me, and send my UE Fighters at the Voinain Frigate, giving my armor time to recharge. That was when I destroyed the V.E.S. Perserverence. The Fighters destroyed the Frigate, but only with heavy casulties. One survived. I put him back in my bay to recharge, and sent him out right away after the Crusier. He manged to take out the Crusier's shields (which isn't saying much), and I went in, with only about 75% armor.
When I came in, the Crusier fired at me with a Rocket. It hit me, but did not kill me. It was to be the Crusier's last shot at me. I monty pythoned him, my Neutrons blazing away. His armor went down one point at a time, but eventuly It was at 11%! I fired the last shot at him, disabling him. I rejoiced! I then fired quickly with my Neutrons (oxy moron), killing him! I then landed on Outpost Gamma with 100% armor and 0% shields.
Well Any other stories? I'll give you Brandy! Hear that Tend! brandy for everyone! NOW!
e=mc Doh! Let me get my notepad
- Visit my Website:(url="http://"http://geocities.com/evo_info")EVO Info(/url)
Pretty good, DeadMan. I love stories where the player barely lives against large odds.
~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)
Deadman stirkes again folks. Deadman appears not to be dead after all!
Did you board the Persevearence? If it was a flagship, I'll bet it had some good goodies. I've never come across ANY V.S.S. Ships. I wonder why. Hmm....I guess I'll have to go to the front for a while! Off I go. I'll come back with soem good stories that won't disapoint!
- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation
Although I have returned from the front for a quick look at the boards, I have no good GOOD stories to tell, but a few notes.
This has nothing to do with the game, but it fits under the name of this topic. I am taking an industrial tech class in school, its a class that you build stuff and see how far stuff will go, basically a beginning engineering class. We build CO2 Cars, and Egg Crash Cars, and other sutff. ANYWAY, we are starting the C02 Car project, and for my design, I have decided to do the UE Destroyer! I felt proud to be a UE Officer when I thought of the idea. I just thought I should share that.
Another note, this one has to do with the game. I saw, for the first time EVER, a UE Cruiser! It wasn't the U.E.S. Earth, it was just a regular, UE Cruiser. Thats what it said on the target screen. Unfortunately, because I am in an Arada, with fast jumping ability, I was holding down "J" when I jumped into the system with the Cruiser. So I didn't get to see it in action! Has anyone EVER seen a UE Cruiser? I sure haven't, until now!
Back to the front, I'll return with good stories, I promise.
- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation
Yeah, since the completion of the Anna missions, I've seen about 10 Cruisers flying around. They can really fight! Once I even saw a UE Carrier (believe it or not) take out a Voinian Cruiser one on one. I'd like to see a UE Cruiser and Voinian Cruiser go one on one.
The ones we love and the life we grow from
Ok guys, I've got a story...
I was running the Voinian blockade at Pax Station in my Scoutship, which was armed with three blaze cannons, upgrades and all. As I entered the system where I was supposed to pick up the defector, as always, there was a huge fleet of Voinians ships. Normally, I evade them, outmenuver and land on Pax. But I decided to have a little fun and try Monty Pythoning some of the ships. At first, when I was hit by a stray turreted rocket, I thought I was going to die pretty soon. But after getting the Voinian fleet together and flying away from them, I took on all the fighters. (I think there were twelve of them) After a few minutes, I had disabled half of them, and the other half were destroyed. Happy about my victory, I decided to go ahead and try destroying the frigates. "I'll leave the cruisers alone," I thought. "They're too big for me, anyway." The four frigates got within my blaze-firing range, and I gave them a taste of energy. For about ten minutes, I battled the thugs, slowly wearing them away, till they were all disabled. Though I had been hit by a rocket from one of the frigates, I still felt rather proud of myself. I destroyed all four of the frigates, and waited for the three fat cruisers to chug along. At first, remembering what I had said before, I was going to head for pax and get the defector. But my luck had held so far, so "why not try to take out the cruisers?" Once again, I applied the Monty Python to the cruisers, and for close to ten minutes, gave them a barge of red death. Finally, they were all disabled, but I was on my armor, in which a few rockets had hit me previously. I then destroyed the limp cruisers, enjoyed the huge combat rating I got, and went and got the defector. Even though it might not sound like much, I did this the first month I got Override, so I was rather proud of myself, and for the fact that it was the first time I had discovered the Monty Python.
~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)
OK! I promised a good story! And I got a good story! Fill up your mugs and get comfy! Hopefully I won't have to mass edit this one, like I did my last story...
I was heading out to the Emalgha, to pay a friendly visit, and decided to take a detour, and take the loooong way through Voinian space, and pay a visit to them too! I came upon the Fridian System, where I saw a few Emalgha Warships blown the crap out of a poor voinian frigate. I thought maybe I could have a little fun, while the trio of emalghans were here, and demanded tribute from the planet, Duidon I believe it is called. I figured since it wasn't Voinia, it would be fun beating up puny fighters and interceptors. I was WAAY WRONG! I was near the planet when I demanded tribute, and at first I thought I was seeing things! Two voinian frigates came out, accompanied by.....A VOINIAN CRUISER! :eek: :eek: I thought, maybe I just never saw him before, and he was there all along. Well, I got to beat up on little fighters alright, as HE launched his fighters at me. I took 'em out, and while I did that, the emalgha warships were beating up on a frigate. Because I was curious as to whether this Cruiser was part of the defense fleet or not, I went after him first. Unfortunately, I had used all my hunter missiles on the guys in the system before I demanded tribute. I wanted to help out the emalghans, so I launched all 20 of my hunter missiles at the original frigate. So now, with Voinian Cruisers and frigates after me, I thought this may be either a fatal battle, or a LONG battle. So I went up to the Cruiser, and started pummeling him with phase fire. He retaliated with, ofcourse, neutron fire and rockets. The Emalgha Warships, had blown up a frigate by now, and were working on the second. I, after a vigorous neutron/phase battle, blew up the Voinian Cruiser. However, now only Voinian Frigates were coming out of the planet. Also, I noted, only 3 defense fleet people were out at a time. Other voinian frigates (thank god not other cruisers
) randomnly jumped in, and the emalghans went after them, instead of the defense fleet. ANYWAY, chugs some brandy where was I? Oh yeah, So, only a cluster of Voinian Frigates were out right now. They didn't seem to have any rockets left, as they weren't firing on me, so I engaged in another neutron/phase battle. Ofcourse, all the voinians were kind of clumped together, so I was getting a LOT more fire than the guys I was attacking did. ANYWAY, I ended up killing one of the slow-pokes, and went down to check the planet for the next guy. SHOOM! SHOOM! SHOOM! SHOOM! I was right. Voinian Cruisers, were apart of this planet's defense fleet. This left me in awe ---> :eek: ! This meant, I had to destroy the cruiser's WHOLE armor, and would still receive fire. Luckily, a few groups of Emalgha Warships would warp in, generally 3 or 4 at a time, and help me out. This battle, though I thought it would be, was not NEARLY as tedious and challenging as the Gadzair Battle, but was still pretty hard. After going through about 10 or so frigates, and 4 cruisers. I began to see no more ships coming out of the planet! I thought either I was seeing things again, or I was victorious. I blasted towards the remaining 3 frigates, and, with the help of 2 Emalgha Warships, reduced them to space dust! When the last guy was dead, the emalgha warships jumped out, and all that was left in the system was a disabled voinian heavy fighter, and a disabled emalghan warship. I blew up the heavy fighter, and hailed the planet. I recived a warm welcome of "What do you want?" and I responded with "Demand Tribute!" I recieved "This planet agrees to pay tribute to you". I WAS VICTORIOUS! The battle lasted around an hour or so, and ended in VICTORY! The lowest my armor got to was around half, when I took a swarm of 5 missiles at once. Otherwise, I did fine!
I hope, whoever reads this, doesn't think I am bragging. I am not bragging. I am just happy at my success. finishes off his brandy, and orders another round for everyone Who's up next?
- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation
Hm.... Nice stories....I haven't read most of those till today since my internet was down all yesterday :frown:. And I haven't really got any good stories at the moment, but it's something I'm working on!!
I'm the captain of a mercenary fleet, which has a very good deal of versitality. The ships include: A Voinian Cruiser (my own ship), a CW, and the capitol ships of each of the three Strands; a Zidara, and Igazra, and an Azdgari Warship.
Hmm, nope, I am not proud of what I did. I murdered thousands of innocent people.(yea, they are unreal but so what?). They were just doing their jobs.
BTW- If you take that seriously, you are quite messed up.
Are you gonna tell him that's a boy cow?
Naw, he'll figure it out.
Originally posted by Desert Fox:
**Hmm, nope, I am not proud of what I did. I murdered thousands of innocent people.(yea, they are unreal but so what?). They were just doing their jobs.
BTW- If you take that seriously, you are quite messed up.
Hehe, LOL, sort of.
To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).
All righty! I got me a story that happenned not but just before I made this post (the battle that heppenned gave me the idea to post it). Starts on a new bottle of Saalian Brandy
I had just been told to defend the Terapin system from some Igazra with the new Igadzra Beam technology. So, I leave outpost Terapin and I'm confronted by an Igadzra Arada. I blow it up. Then a bunch of Zidaras and about 6 or 7 Igazras jump in. Immediately 3 Igazras turn holstile, so my new fleet laucnh their fighters, and I launch my 3 Voinian H. Fighters (one had been destroyed in an earlier battle). So, I get up in the Igazra's face and fire my phase turrets at him while my escorts are firing long range weapons at him. He's disabled and blows up. That leaves 2 more hostile Igazras. I go after one, firing some dispy. rockets which are very effective, and then bombard him with phase turret fire, and after a few seconds it blew up. Now all the while 2 other Igazras had been blown up by my Zidagar reinforcements. So, that left 3 Igazras left, one of which was going straight at me! So now I start firing off my SAD's like there was no tomorrow, which, some of them went immediately to the Igazra and some straying off, but after a few seconds all of them hit the Igazra, as well as some of my Igazra escort's SAE's, leaving it disabled. I finished it off and went after another one, firing lots of SAD's, getting its attention while dealing serious damage after they all hit him. Also, about this time my fighters had been demolished (no real surprise there), so then I go in and barrage him with my phase turrets and fire a few dsipy. rockets. He could only take this kinda punishment for about 10 seconds, and was destroyed. I was down to like 62 SAD's and 4 rockets. So, I go in on the last Igazra, who was at about 80% shields at the moment from all the Zidagar fire. So I launch about 9 SAD's and go in towards the Igazra. I fired off 2 rockets, 1 missing and the other hitting its mark. I then proceeded to reign fire on it like hell with my phase turrets and it was disabled after a few seconds. I took it out, returned to Outpost Terapin, and got my money.
So, howd ya like it? This story (as I pointed out) happenned just a few mintues ago, and it was pretty fun! Finishes his Brandy and orders another bottle of it I'm working on more exciting battle stories, so, don't touch that browser!
I'm the captain of a mercenary fleet, which has a very good deal of versitality. The ships include: A Voinian Cruiser (my own ship), a CW, and the capitol ships of each of the three Strands; a Zidara, and Igazra, and an Azdgari Warship.
(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 03-02-2001).)
Good story, ESPilot...Liked it a lot.
~Cap'n Skyblade
Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
**spl_cadet! We have something in common! I too like good fiction! j/k!:)
Seriously though, I for some reason doubt that thats NOT true, you NEVER actually did that. Just a hunch.
Although I like fiction that is completely true. If you try it you'll find out that the shuttle craft is faster than any voinan ship.
"You have committed a fatal error and your existence must be terminated." Windows error message.