I love b5!!!
I love b5!!!
Where's the plug-in?
"You have committed a fatal error and your existence must be terminated." Windows error message.
ambrosia add ons i think
Originally posted by slksc:
**I love b5!!!
Theoretically, I would, too.
But has the plug been worked on recently? The version I downloaded was so full of bugs (taking effect at an early stage) that it spoiled all the fun.
One bug I remember among others was that you'd buy some kind of weapon (don't remember the name), for which the credits and weapon space would be debited, and once you're out in space trying to defend yourself ...... ermmm ..... where was that weapon I bought??? ..... BOOOOMMMM! Off goes the escape pod.
The plug's a great idea, but needs some serious hauling over.
And it should be completed as well.
Realy? I didn't have any problems with it. Other then the fact of me destroying every renegade ship I find(I tried stopping cold turkey, but it didn't work). Until next post!
Capt. Whitehawk
They say the Devil's name is the most unholiest.
They are wrong
There is one who's name is even worse. His name is Bill Gates
Do you mean v.2.5?
A really good plug-in.
B5 is a fine plugin that could be a lot better. I also had the problem of buying weapons and having them disappear. I also wish that it replaced more parts of EVO. I mean if you look in the outfits area of a port you'll see that almost all of the outfits are from EVO.
Other than those points I really like B5 and would think that it's one of the best of all EVO plugs.
"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."
Well, I agree that it is buggy. I am playing v1.0.3 and its got... ahem... issues.
Jupiter is Populated by Spherical Cubes
Sorry, wrong version. v2.0.1
Jupiter is Populated by Spherical Cubes
I try to buy the nuetron turret and it keeps disapearing
If you know what Pern is go to http://pub51.ezboard.com/bpern67424
If you know what Harvest moon is go to