Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Dark Tide 2 - Red Tide

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      Previous Story (read before posting): (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...02-17-200106:51(/url) PM

      1-You can only control your own character.
      2-No completely killing other players unless they agree to it.
      3-Keep your posts reasonable. (None of this "Oh, by the way, I dominate the galaxy in my super-dreadnought" stuff.)
      4-You will recieve money based on the size of your empire or your wage, if you're independant.
      5-If you assault another players forces, give them a chance to post their reaction.
      6-Technology begins as it is in EVO. If you want to make a tech advance, invest some money in a research project.
      7-Above all: Have fun!

      Please read the topic: "Okay, everyone, some clarifications from a Moderator." before posting. Hopefully, that will prevent this topic from becoming a flame-war like so many other bars/stories. You can choose a personal skill for your character, such as Fighter Piloting, Computer Hacking, Diplomacy, or similar. No crazy skills like, "mind control." Have Fun, all!

      Now post away!

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • To Taylor: Sure you can join the UE, but I'm not sure about having a really high postion.
      Here are the people who control the UE.
      Samurai: Main UE Admiral
      Titan: UE Admiral, UE research, and UE Alien relations
      Roostersw: UE Admiral
      Deadules: independent helping the UE

      Ask Samurai for a postion in UE.

      "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
      Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"")

    • 46.35 million, growing by +1.35 million

      (Lies are in your head.)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Titan:
      **To Taylor: Sure you can join the UE, but I'm not sure about having a really high postion.
      Here are the people who control the UE.
      Samurai: Main UE Admiral
      Titan: UE Admiral, UE research, and UE Alien relations
      Roostersw: UE Admiral
      Deadules: independent helping the UE

      Ask Samurai for a postion in UE.

      To Samurai:
      Can I have a position in the United Earth goverment?
      Like be a independent person who helps the UE??? Something like that.

      '89 Macintosh= Windows 98
      The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
      --From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.

    • After defeating the head of the Zidagar forces the battle was almost won and the Zidagar sensing eminent destruction fled to the systems Pozdag and Querid creating barricades at both these positions, then sweeping after them the Azdgari capture Twyus, Neeg and Yerdor taking only 5 Azdaras casualty and the Zidagar losing 3 Zidaras and 4 Zidagar fighters, because of the planets and system being almost completely abondoned.

      My Super cruiser will be built in a few more posts, maybe a page.

      My ncome is a steady 2.6 million

      --The Eye is Upon you--
      If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

    • Umm, where is Alien? I'm supposed to be in a meeting with him, and he hasn't answered.

      Due to increaed trade, size of colonies, etc., my income is now at 2 million per day. I would get a lot more, but the construction of a new Corocian Supercruiser and researching new techs has put a drain on my income.

      The C.R.S. Appollyon, the new Corocian supercruiser, will be done in 3-2 days.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Kiwi then builds up a massive front with the Zidagar's remaining two systems and is preparing to wipe them out unless they agree to a rule of the Azdgari, not making them slaves but letting not letting them have military vesselsand the Azdgari will watch over them and receive tribute from them. I have sent my message to the Zidagar board and the seem a little more enthusiastc at accepting then they did when thy had a capital.(I am not talking to myself and if someone wants to act as the Zidagar and reply to this sensibly then they can or I can just reply to it myself).

      --The Eye is Upon you--
      If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

    • I think some Zidagar would surrender, and others would fight to the death. If I were you, I would just go in a wipe out all the fighting Zidagar, and capture all the surrenderees. Just remember to make it fair, and not too one-sided.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • I will act for the Zidagar. Titan gives the remaining 2 systems to the Miranu.

      "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
      Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"")

    • I dont think that is sensible, they wouldn't just give them away.

      --The Eye is Upon you--
      If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

    • No, I think Titan's action should stand. I really don't see anything wrong with it.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Damn those ****ing bastards!!!

    • I am Blackwing. I am with the UE and constantly fleeing from the Voinians bacause I have brang illeal goods into their system quite a few times. I am a low profile trader and I mostly do top secret missions. I have connections all over UE and Murainu space. I usually make half a million a day sometimes more for more dangerous missions. I am peaceful and I do not look for battles. I I have 37.3 million and I have 3 million invested in Interplanetary Technology (they design new fast ships.)


    • I am awsome at computer hacking


    • Does anyone have a Mission for me. I am very useful if you get to know me. (;
      I will help you my freinds. 🙂


    • Hold on a second there, Blackwing. I don't think you should be able to get that many credits even though you just started out.

      Also, unless Samurai posts on this topic real soon, I'll have to appoint myself moderator of this story.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Ok 5 million credits


    • I am docking at a UE bay when I get get hit by a missile. I yell to my crew get out of the place. So our ship lurks foward at top notch speed racing through space then I issue a Jump and we speed of in the distance not ever seeing who hit us.

      Next I look at the Sheild statius and relized that one fatal shot could bring us down. We quickly landed and rushed to the Spaceport Bar to discuss our plans.

      In the middle of a drink one of my crew members exclamed "That was a hell of a blat what could it of been!?!?!? The ship database filed it as a renagade but I think that was to hide something. I claim it to be a pirite. It's the prefect plan makes it look like it was a renagade so he can run around dissabling ships and stealing the loot."

      Another crew member said under her breath "but how can you be so sure."

      Responding "Because if you had that chance would you take it."

      Responding "Well I suppose so..."

      Responding "See I rest my case"

      Then I said "ok stop bickering you sound like children. Get a good night sleep we are going to try to go back there and deliver the shipment tomorrow. Get some rest. You'll need it, I guarentee you.

      EVO addict

    • 50.4 million, growing by 1.35 million daily.
      Blackwing, a person who sets their scan to "renegade" so they can run around disabling people and taking their money (i) (b) IS (i) (b) the definition of "renegade".
      Now that I don't have to worry about the Zidagar anymore, renegade activity greatly increases in the northeast crescent. I gain + .3 million daily.
      50.7 million, growing by 1.65 million daily.
      I finally started shipping Saalian brandy up through the uninhabited area between the UE and Igadzra territory, supplying the NT renegades and Corocians with a steady supply of the intoxicating beverage. I gain .05 million from increased sales.
      50.75 million, growing by 1.70 million daily.
      I built a Saalia brandy brewery on Om, increasing supply and therefore sales by another .05 million.
      50.75 million, growing by 1.75 million daily.
      I'm spending 2 million credits to put something on the Rock. It will be done in two days.
      48.75 million, growing by 1.75 million daily.

      (Lies are in your head.)

    • Meanwhile, in the F-25 system, massive amounts of Corocian vessels were being built and assembled in the Corocians capital. Carnotaur was gearing up for an attack on the Emalgha, buying favor with the Voinians. Then, Carnotaur would start setting up bases in the UE/Miranu void, then start his offensive against the Igadzra; their primary target.

      Once the attack on the Igadzra was going smothely, the Corocians would cut off all UE/Miranu trade, starving the UE by cutting off their primary trade route. Even cloaked ships could not get past, because Corocian scientists had just developed a new Cloak Sensor, which could detect even the best cloaks.

      Then, after the Igadzra were no longer a major threat, the Corocians would then start moving towards the UE. The Miranu posed no threat, especially because Entropy and his Renegades were pounding away at the Zachit so hard, that it almost seemed like the Zachit would collapse within weeks. The Miranu Coreworld Defense Fleet posed no threat to the Corocians, and the UE would be easy prey.

      Entropy, in control of the Human Renegades, also outfitted with Corocian tech, would begin making major attacks and raids on UE systems. Already Omm, Huron (after leaving the UE), and Heilos had fallen to the Renegades, and now Iothe and Halatui (sp?) were about to fall. Soon, the UE navy would be surrounded and stretched thin by the Renegades, Corocians, and Voinians. They would also soon fall.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).