Nope, I think your mac OS is too up-to-date. The ROM Image file has to be 1 MB max, the one you sent me was 4 MB.
From Fusion ReadMe:
FUSION has been tested with
many different 512K and 1MB ROM images, however, due to the
numerous changes Apple has made over the years, it is possible
that you could have a ROM that is not supported by Fusion PC.
This will include the 1MB Macintosh IIvx, 2MB Quadra AV, and
all 4MB PowerPC ROMs. Most of these other ROMs are supported
using the SoftMac 2000 emulator. To avoid problems, only use ROMs
(image files) having one of the following checksums (as shown
in the ROM selection menu):
512K - $3193670E
1MB - $06684214
If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...
100 posts reached on 3/12/2001 scince late Feburary