I have been playing escape velocity/EVO since they came out, and thanks to the register hour log on the origional version i have played the origional about 1300 hours. I did, thanks to the upgraded CH, register EVO and have devoted at least 400 hours to this venture. Despite my devotion to the game i do have a series of complaints, simple things that i belive would vastly improve the game play. i have listed them below in a non-prioatized order. Please feel free to comment on my suggestions, and expand upon them
1). As you modify ships, the extior should change. IE the additon of turrets or performance upgrades should be availble
2). The AI must cease being so incredibly stupid. That the Monty Python methods works so well, and it's effectiveness has transcended two versions of the game is quite sad.
3). The AI vessels should have the ability to upgrade, differant renegades and government vessels should be modified to make the game more interesting
4). While EV provides players with a vast aray of choices and unlimited game play there is no room for the player's personality to exhist. There aught to be muliple choice missions, so that your story can be more personlaized
5). The Universe should change without the needed presence of the pilot. Once all the missions are completed... the game is essentially dead. (this does leave out plugin developers but i will address them shortly) Planets should change hands while the pilot is away, and governments should be activly battling each other
6). Plug-in's, though they have added an incredible amount of game play to EV and EVO, have chronically horrible endings, this does not include all plugs, but a majority of them.
7). While the pilot is raised to the highest echelons of society, he never is invovled in that world beyond killing stuff. if an EV3 is ever released two things (in my opinion) cannot be neglected: 1. The ability to control planets, and develope them economically, politically and otherwise. This would add a stratigic element to the game play, but still allow the joy of being albe to fly one's one vessel and accomplish things individually. 2. Most importantly THE POTENTIAL FOR A MULIPLAYER INTERFACE. I Cannont stress enough how much I belive this would add to the game... the possiblities would be endless, and the game would finially have unlimited playing potential. In regards to how the interface would funtion I would suggest a server that moniters the location of the ships in the universe, but allows the actual graphics and battles of the solar system to be driven on the player's computer. Think of the possiblities of EV muliplayer when the planet ownership aspect is taken into acount. No longer would you be running missions for a simple name, but a person, working with them, or leading other players. I'm not certain what the best way to manage the interace is, but a multiplayer game with people constantly creating mission strings to achive their own ends, would truly give EV/EVO unlimited game play, and gratification.
Sincerly A devoted Loyal EV/EVO fan,