what ship do you think is better. The Zidagar Destroyer,the U.E Destroyer,the Voinian Frigate or the M.Gunboat
what ship do you think is better. The Zidagar Destroyer,the U.E Destroyer,the Voinian Frigate or the M.Gunboat
Those are all pretty crappy ships... I'd go for the Voinian Frigate however... slow, but nice amount of space and armor. With the miranu upgrades, it can last for the whole game, especially in crescent space.
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It depends on what you are going up against. If it's in the Crescent, definitely the Voinian Frigate, because Crescent weapons don't do much to armor. If you are trying to beat up something else like around UE/Voinian/Renegade space, then the Miranu Gunboat or UE Destroyer might be the right ship. The Zidara is also quite good.
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I agree with Cap'n Carotaur. Those ships all suck, but the Zidara is the best. I've seen them take out one of the 3 best ships in the game, the Igazra.
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Yes, and although the Voinian Frigate is good, it still ain't that good, and a Voinian cruiser is MUCH better and can beat any Crescent vessel any time, any place, anywhere.
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The UE Destroyer is a nice ship early in the game when you are developing a reputation as a fearsome pilot, but I wouldn't recommend it over the others for use later in the game. Cross out the Destroyer. The Miranu Gunboat style of play is similar to the Zidara style of play, but Zidara has much beefier shields and is faster overall, so cross out the Gunboat. That leaves the Frigate and the Zidara. If you are planning on doing some serious campaigning in the Crescent, than the Frigate's heavy armor can absorb phase canon fire well. Against human ships, the Zidara's phase cannons tear the UE and Renegades to bits. The Zidara is also decent in the Crescent. I guess you'll have to pick.
Renegade Infestation?
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What if you added Crescent Warship and Lazaria to the choises?
A took the red pill. Then lots of white rabbits told me to burn things....
Lazira; yes. CW; no. The Crescent Warship is much to big to fit in this particular category.
To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
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