Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • More ROTUE Help

      UE Patriot, I thank you for responding. I flew in my UE Cruiser to Topel
      station, hit the mission computer and accept the "create a distraction"
      mission. I then hyperspaced immediately to Mongolek and landed, as you
      instructed. When I landed on Mongolek, though, nothing happened, and,
      when I took off, the Defense fleet was still waiting for me. I'm not
      currently running any other plug-ins except ROTUE. Please post additional
      suggestions/possible things to try at your convenience.

      Thank you kindly and God bless you also,
      Captain Storm

    • Just to let you all know, I was able to finish ROTUE by starting a new pilot file from scratch.

      God bless,

      Captain (retired Admiral) Storm
