Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • 1000-s˙st Galaxy Project...?

      33 176 1.6k

      I posted this on the Developers' Board, but it hardly got any answers...

      How would you like a plug-in with the full 1000 possible sÿsts? It would be made in a sort of quiltwork... every participant of the project is assigned a gövt and a handful of wëäp, shïp and öütf resources... then he builds his corner of the galaxy, with a string of local missions... afterwards, we'd piece it all together and create some galaxy-spanning missions. The challenge would be (apart from keeping bugs out and motivation in) to balance the strategic strengths of the gövts with each other... a gövt could specialize, of course (e.g. powerful beam weapon) but should compensate that with drawbacks (e.g. slow ships). We'd have to be careful not to create super-gövts, super-shïps or super-wëäps...

      And after all, not all gövts have to be at war. We'd still have Pirates and Independents and the Peaceful Trader Races™ etc...

      Of course, it would be a huge amount of work, but if we had a dozen participants doing their job right, it would be easily feasible.

      Whaddya think?

      -- Cinga


    • Cinga, once I'm done with all the other projects I'm participating in now, which will not be soon (as Cotton Mouse and ColdFusion can confirm), I could work with you on this. For now, I suggest you make an offer to all the developers trying to make smallish TCs.

      Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.

      AIM: obormot345

    • Heh, sounds like the ill-fated Delta_V project.

      All the plugin developers of the good ole delta_v list decided to come together to construct a massive plugin that would dwarf all others...I don't think we got past the theoretical stage. (As far as I know, we got as far as proposals for layout of the galaxy.)

      Maybe the reason responses to your idea are limited is the fact that it's been tried before, by other people, throughout EV and EVO's creation. Only very few numbers actually delivered on their promise.

      Then again, maybe you can hold a group together and be the first one to actually finish one.

      Good luck and regards,

      Cpt. Landreau

      P.S. I may be interested in data design if this actually gets off the ground...

    • If this happens, i would be interested in helping. I know the odds are against it, but i really hope it does come to form. I'm learning how to work in infini-d, so i could maybe do some graphics.

      The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

    • Well, I've always been fond of system making. However, if this invloves making or obtaining your own graphics, count me out. I'm already SICK of tracking down unused graphics from shipyards and BEGGING people to do graphics for me in Great War. However, if ship graphics ARE supplied by the chief executive of this plan, count me in. I have a thousand unused race/government ideas sitting somewere in my head.

      "We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have survived without them in Red Storm Rising." -Dan Quayle


      Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Landreau:
      **Heh, sounds like the ill-fated Delta_V project.

      All the plugin developers of the good ole delta_v list decided to come together to construct a massive plugin that would dwarf all others...I don't think we got past the theoretical stage. (As far as I know, we got as far as proposals for layout of the galaxy.)


      You just haven't been keeping up with the delta_V plug-in. The basic layout of the galaxy is done (500+ systems) the major governments (30+) are in place, approximately half of the spobs are in place, 50+ ships and 100 outfits are in. The plug has become a CR rather than an expansion so there is a whole new storyline (new at least compared to EV 🙂 ) and some outlines of various mission sets.

      Joe Burnette

      "I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
      among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Cinga:
      **I posted this on the Developers' Board, but it hardly got any answers...

      How would you like a plug-in with the full 1000 possible sÿsts?..
      -- Cinga

      As I said on the developers' board, the general concept has been tried before and nothing much has come of it. But that doesn't mean it can't be done. I am also skeptical of plug that are designed purely to be the biggest without trying to be the best. If you make quantity your goal, I fear that quality will suffer. All that said, I think it is an interesting idea, and perhaps you are the one to make it work. One note: be sure to reserve some systems for changing parts of the galaxy through missions. You might also make certain parts of the galaxy accessible only upon completion of certain missions.

      Wish I had time to commit to something like that, but I have too many things going already.

      Best wishes.

      Joe Burnette

      "I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
      among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

    • Cinga, my mind knows that this is almost impossible. Anyone who has ever worked with just ONE person on a plug knows how difficult it is.

      However, if you really want this to work, here is my suggestion...

      Start it yourself. Just begin a small galaxy plug-in of maybe 20-50 systems. And leave alot of room for expansion. Once you have shown everybody how good your initial concept is, other people may want to help. Just start out with something and add and add to it.

      Don't try and do everything at once. Do parts of it step by step. After all, going up a flight of stairs in one step looks much faster and less work than doing it piece by piece, but your are far more likely to finish your goal if you just take it slower....

      tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

    • Hey, I would be willing to help out. I've been learning (slowly) how to do graphics and plug-ins, so I could work on anything that you need.

      On the governments, I think that one goverment should have ships that have really weak short-range ships, but have masses of missiles/torpedos. That way, they could be powerfull, but still have a weakness.

      Just my two yen.

      Confucius say: "Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot."

    • I thonk it could work. I'd be happy to try my own little system althogh I just started using EV edit to do more than hack the ship I'm using to be invincible.It sounds perfect for me to practise and get a start at galaxy creation. I think if it ever get compleated one or two people should try to make a extention to this plug with a main storyline involving every government.

      Alot of work but I think it would solve the quantity over quality thing.

      Any suggestion for tools and programes for me would be great.

      The reason we know there is Intelligent life in space is that they haven't contacted us.

    • This idea could be pretty cool... if it worked out. I doubt it will. Anyway, Tarkin, don't use EV-Edit. It is as buggy as hell. It turned my version of EV into a plugin for itself!!!

      OW! That hurt! - A friend of mine after dropping a brick on his toe

      (url="http://"HTTP://")My cool EV/O website(/url)

    • Heh, Cinga, if you know me at all, I'm always trying to do things big, which is why I actually went to this topic in the first place, cause I was curious (which is seldom happening nowadays on these boards).

      Anyways, I'd love to help out with a project like this. I can offer webspace (, mailing list, message board, irc channel. Essentially, I can control pretty easily where our "group" would convene, and if it's one thing I've always been able to do, its organize.

      So, what do you think? Please EMAIL (and respond to this, but more importantly email) me if you want my help so we can set this up and get moving.

      At the very least, it will be interesting to hear all theoretical ideas on this and see exactly what happens when you push EVO's limits 😉


    • I'd like to help, if this idea gets off the ground. Unfortunately, I don't have access to a mac right now (well very limited access), so I can't help with any ResEdit work for a while. But I'll offer to write story-lines, space-port descs, and missions. E-mail me if it looks like this will happen. I can send you a concept story I wrote a little while ago for another plug that I never finished.


    • Thanx for your interest, y'all. 🙂

      One thing in advance, though: The time I will be able to spend on this project will be rather limited in the next few months (heck, years , probably), considering how tough my studies are going right now. Also, with the first pre-diploma exam coming up, I'll have my hands full of linear algebra, analysis, numerics etc...

      The point is, although everyone seems to take this for granted, it's quite impossible that I be The Guy Who Leads It All in this project. I'm willing to contribute more than my share of ships, weaps etc., I'll do two govts instead of one if necessary, and I'd love to help with the large-scale design and story of the galaxy, but there's a limit. This has to be a team effort.

      First of all, we need to know how many people will work on the projects, so we can assign resource IDs, numbers of systs and spobs, and race concepts (we wouldn't want to have ten different Peaceful Merchant Races, now would we?). The more participants, the less work for everyone.

      Also, we need to know to what degree the participants would be willing to contribute. If the motivation's not there, we shouldn't even begin in the first place, lest we spend lots of work on a project inherently doomed to die before completion.

      And of course, all participants (who complete their assignments) will appear as important characters in the galactic storylines, as will get a freely customizable dude... 😉

      -- Cinga

      PS: What about a project name? Pangalactica? Omniversum? DFHG (Darn Friggin Huge Galaxy)? A Thousand Worlds?

      (This message has been edited by Cinga (edited 06-15-2000).)

    • How about B.F.G.? (Big F*cking Galaxy)

      Confucius say: "Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot."

    • As I stated before, I can contribute anything but ship graphics.

      "We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have survived without them in Red Storm Rising." -Dan Quayle


      Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


    • Heh...actually, I kinda like A Thousand Worlds 😉

      I'll get to work on some stuff soon. Have to work in an hour tho ;( but its also my Mom's Bday 😉 So don't expect anything out today.


    • Well, this idea is grande and all, and I'd love to help with it. It is my understanding that each person gets a quota of systems, then they create a government for those systems, missions, weapons, the works? Like several plugs in one? Well, the 1000 system max is fine, but...things get ugly when we get into missions, outfits, etc. If you want 30 people, each with their own mini-plug, well, you can do the math. Thats 33 to 34 systems to person. Thats fine. Thats 2 ships per person. Thats not fine. Thats 2 weapons per person, and 4 outfits per person (however, 2 of the 4 outfits are weapon outfits, so only 2 non-weapon oufits). Thats around 15 missions per person, and that isn't very much for an entire government. Besides, 30 people working on it would vary the whole thing too much. Some governments ships would look like sh•it, others would look great. Same with missions. What you should do, its get maybe 10 people to do the plugin editing, each with their own corner of space. Maybe 50 systems per person. Then for those who can't create their own graphics, have some designers on retainer. Then have some other people who want to make the other 500 systems make some independant, missionless, outfitless, shipless systems, and some uninhabited ones.

      My .02¢

      "Do or do not. There is no try."

    • Notice that this plug would not have 1000 discrete systems in it. I believe that such a plug would have to have a great deal of exploration missions for each government, and also many galaxy-changing missions. This requires extensive use of VisBits, and also means that a good number of system slots would have to be alotted for changes (i.e., the system before and the system after).

      So, say maybe 700 discrete systems. Say, 7 people working on it. (In reality, it might be more; but say, 7 distinct sections (governments), each with own ships, etc.) That would mean: 100 systems per person/section. Say, maybe 6-8 ships per government, with some reserved for special stuff. It could very well work, if the project is well-organized.

      I nominate Captain Scurvy as Project Coordinator! (If this gets off the ground, I'll join in as soon as I finish with what I'm doing on Era and Project Nebula.)

      Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.

      AIM: obormot345

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Obormot:
      I nominate Captain Scurvy as Project Coordinator!

      Who ever is willing to do it, I say. But a co-operative project definitely needs someone to guide it, to get on top of peoples' backs (because inevitably some will fall through on their promises) and bring the diverse inputs and ideas together.
