I posted this on the Developers' Board, but it hardly got any answers...
How would you like a plug-in with the full 1000 possible sÿsts? It would be made in a sort of quiltwork... every participant of the project is assigned a gövt and a handful of wëäp, shïp and öütf resources... then he builds his corner of the galaxy, with a string of local missions... afterwards, we'd piece it all together and create some galaxy-spanning missions. The challenge would be (apart from keeping bugs out and motivation in) to balance the strategic strengths of the gövts with each other... a gövt could specialize, of course (e.g. powerful beam weapon) but should compensate that with drawbacks (e.g. slow ships). We'd have to be careful not to create super-gövts, super-shïps or super-wëäps...
And after all, not all gövts have to be at war. We'd still have Pirates and Independents and the Peaceful Trader Races etc...
Of course, it would be a huge amount of work, but if we had a dozen participants doing their job right, it would be easily feasible.
Whaddya think?
-- Cinga