Originally posted by skyblade:
**Some of these are pretty good... Mind if I use them in The Omega Conspiracy?
Sure. (I think I can speak for everyone)
So far:
Igdzara - Penis Ship, Bananna
Adzara - Dragongly
E. Freightor - Turtle, The Woodworm Express, Flying hunk o' space junk, Pathetic Effort
V. Frigate - Dragon
Krait - Suicide Pod
Lazira- trident
UE Destroyer- another phallus ship
UE Cruiser- huge phallus ship, Balshova's Pushover, Bigger Rebel Cruiser
Voinian Heavy Fighter - flying rock,
Miran Courior - UFO
Miran Gunshp - UFO, CD*
Turncoat - Flying Coffin
UE Fighter - Gunslinger, Bomb
Zidara - Psychedelic Stripe Machine
Zachit Arada - Icicle
Fuzz mothership - Furball
UE Freighter - Lunch, Big Heap of Blowupable Crap
Voinian Frieghter - Breakfast lunch and Dinner, Spikey
Scoutship - Slipstream
Emalgha Fighter- Toothless bulldog
Zidagar Fighter - Grape
Zatchit Fighter - Blueberry
Crecent Fighter - Marshmallow, Mosquito
Igadzra Arada - Carrot
Voinian Interceptor - Pathetic Effort
Azdgari Warship - Phase Machine
We don't have names for:
Voinian Cruiser -
Miran Freightor -
Helian - (a pretty good, though inappropriate, name already)
UE Carrier -
Shuttle -
Cargo Transporter -
Crecent Warship -
Adzari Arada -
Arada -
*One I just thought up
Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...