Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Red Horizon 2

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      Welcome to The Red Horizon 2
      The continuation of Red Horizon.



      You may control only your own character.
      No total destruction.
      Your posts may only account for one weeks time and one day's action.
      No undefeatable protections.
      Tech and Civil advances are made during the set timeframe.
      Lifepads (small shield protection modules) may be used while aboard one's own or affiliated structure, and warsuits (suits with life support and shielding) may be used given time to put one on before going onto a hostile structure.
      Thread Moderators may revoke your posts at any time if they do not follow these rules.
      Anything acquired or developed must be noted. Background developments are allowed only by moderators.

      Anyone feel free to join. You can be an independent or start your own government.

      Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!

    • Please read my last post on Red Horizon.

      Moderation: Carno, we are dealing with small fleets here. Forget LBS 3. If you really need numbers to make you decisions, you can start with 3 unupgraded capital ships and several smaller ships. Your only upgraded ship can be your personal ship but nothing extravagant. If you want more ships, incorporate them into your story. "I went around and disabled a bunch of ships" doesn't cut it, now stop complaining.

      Carno, you couldn't have met with me because no one knows where I am. I will assume it was a transmission thought.

      <Transmission Source: unknown>
      <Target: Nova6>
      I need money and ships fast.
      <end transmission>

      Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!

      (This message has been edited by daedalus (edited 01-21-2001).)

    • Who closed the original Red Horizon and why was i not notified?

      It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

    • Hey Nova6 Lone can't be govener of UE space because UE soace isn't conqerd I still have Control of UE space! To Arada pilot: What did you wan't to talk to me about?

      Titan sends a fleet to the Bakka system to repair the damage done to outpost Alpha.

      "One Ring to rule them all one Ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
      Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"")

    • Jude closed the original topic because it got to long.

      "One Ring to rule them all one Ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
      Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"")

    • Titan never had control of UE space. You chose to own Zidigar territory. Make reference to the first few posts. I just looked and saw it was Jude that closed the thread. I do however have inquery as to why LBS 1 and 2 were allowed to exceed 300 posts and this one only half of that. I'm afraid the only conclusion is that Jude was either negligent before or now. If Jude chooses to respond to this with an explanation then i would again respect them as a moderator.

      It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

    • I believe that Jude saw that this topic was growing very fast and before having it grow too big she closed it. She problem was going out or something and was worried by the time she got back that it would be way too big.

      Ganna paint our wagon,
      Ganna paint it good,
      We ain't braggin',
      We're ganna coat that wood!


      Arada Pilot - Azdgari space, Azdgari Empire, <no ship name>
      Imthebest - Zachit area, Zachit Station, Z.S. Flaming Spear
      Titan - UE space, United Earth, <no ship name>
      Nova - Voinian space, Voinian Empire, <no ship name>
      Thunder - South Tip, Kayan Alliance, Starship Storm


      Rooster - Hired Operative, Starship Zodiac
      Carnotaur - Operative, Starship Carnotaur
      Buba - Hired Smuggler, Dark Shadow
      Daedalus - Pirate, Wind Thief
      Rima - Hired Operative, Starship Silverdawn(QOETE)

      I know, I wanted to control Zidagar space but you said I controlled UE space, Can I control both?

      "One Ring to rule them all one Ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
      Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"")

      (This message has been edited by Titan (edited 01-21-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Titan (edited 01-21-2001).)

    • Good thinking Buba. It is almost suspicious how much you know.

      Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!

    • Thunder was not willing to leave the Kayan troops stranded on the station. Knowing that the renegades were severly damaged from their attacks, Thunder turned his ship and it's escorts back around out of hyperspace and reverted to realspace in the Mavs sytsem. The renegade ships had all docked with the station for repairs. Using the extreme maneuverability and speed of his upgraded Zidara to his advantage, Thunder scanned for the location of the Kayan soldiers, and used a pursuit missile to blast a hole in the section adjacent to the detention area where they were being held, and maneuvered his own ship up to the hull breach created by the explosion. All this was so quick and unexpected that the renegades didn't have time to respond.

      Then, in full battle armor, Thunder and 20 of his crewmen entered the hull breach and overtook the stunned renegades guarding the Kayans, setting them free. All the marines were quickly loaded into the Storm, which Thunder then quickly piloted away from the station. By now the Crescent Warships had responded, but they were only fast enough to land a few potshots on the upgraded Zidara before it blasted off into hyperspace, bound for Kayia.

      In hyperspace, the 3rd Marine Squad leader told Thunder some very disturbing news. "We were able to access their computer files before we were captured." he said. "The Human and Crescent Renegades have indeed formed an alliance. They also have an alliance with the Voinians. Together these forces have control of over a third of the known galaxy. Also, they have been recieving support from ships known to belong to Captain Carnotaur, who provided them with the Neutron technology they have been given access to. One of the Aradas that escaped with captured supplies has a full copy of their computer files."

      "We're recieving a communication from Kayia." says Thunder's communications officer. "The Kayan fleet was able to arrive safely back at Kayia mostly intact, with quite a few supplies. Also, the Kayan Science and Technology institute reports that the sensor upgrade should now be fully developed within two weeks."

      Explorers are we, intrepid and bold,
      Out in the wild, amongst wonders untold...

    • Rima takes the list of supplies Carno needs and goes to her ship.She lifts off and starts her hunt for supplies.She goes and picks up everything that fits in her cargo bay from the list.She returns to his base.


      (This message has been edited by Rima (edited 01-21-2001).)

    • Buba may be quite right about Jude. I have seen abusement of power before and probably overreacted (hopefully). Sorry, Titan. I was confused. However, the size of Zidagar puts you in rank with everybody else using the current layout. The voinians would have a high disadvantage if they did not control two segments. Carno, my point was that we all started anew with one to three ships unless we owned a nation (besides, in your second quote i was talking to Lonevoinian). With your logic, i could say that my whole life i have been capturing ships and have 300 positioned above each of everybodies planets. I'm just trying to lay out an equal basis. You can very easily apply with the Zidagar, Voinians, Azdgari, etc. to have a funding grant and build a fleet. But otherwise i'm afraid only what you acquire within the story can be yours (except for your starting vessel).

      It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

      (This message has been edited by roostersw (edited 01-21-2001).)

    • <Transmission Source: unknown>
      <Target: daedalus>
      I am sending 30 warships and I am giving you 15 million credits.
      <end transmission>

      Long live the Rebellion!
      (url="http://"")Visit my website!(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Titan:
      Hey Nova6 Lone can't be govener of UE space because UE soace isn't conqerd I still have Control of UE space!

      Rooster said that it belongs to the Voinains now!

      Long live the Rebellion!
      (url="http://"")Visit my website!(/url)

    • To Daedalus and Rooster: How about this. I'll get rid of my three Azdgari warships that I said I captured, but I want to keep 3 of my Igazras and 1 of my Crescent Warships, plus my base that I set up. But now that I am joining Daedalus's Renegades (what is the Renegades EXACT name?), I can capture another Igazra and another Crescent warship (however, I'm thinking of Azdgari Warship). Deal?

      To Daedalus Again: So, am I accepted into your Renegade faction?

      To Thunder: The Renegade Alliance and Voinians has been recieving support from me, however, I have not given them any new ships. I have only given them technology or helped destroy a fleet with them.

      To Rooster: I've decided to just allow Outpost Alpha to have been heavily damaged.


      Once Rima returned with the supplies, Carnotaur smiles and then hands her 70,000 credits. "You've gotten about a third of all the supplies we need. Bring a bit more, and soon you can stop working for us. Thanks."


      <Incoming Message>
      <Destination - Daedalus>
      Daedalus, it's me, Captain Carnotaur. I would like to inform you that I have set up a base in the Proxima Nebula on the planet S-570. If you wish, you can bring sceintists, colonists, ships, supplies, etc. to my base so that we can work together there. Deal?
      End of Text>
      <End Message>

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 01-21-2001).)

    • As long as you have means of support (the Renegades) that's fine. I think Titan meant he wanted to be Minister for that region, Nova. Also, Thunder, i was unclear on what actually happened in our mission. Can you summarize for me?

      It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

    • We raided a lot of supplies from the renegade base before the renegades returned. Daedalus posted that we had a breif battle, and then retreated after doing battle with the renegade fleet. I then went back to pick up the stranded Kayan soldiers and we all made it safely back to Kayia.

      Oh... and a few of the captured supplies were sold to pay you for coming along on the mission.

      Explorers are we, intrepid and bold,
      Out in the wild, amongst wonders untold...

      (This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 01-21-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 01-21-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **To Daedalus and Rooster: How about this. I'll get rid of my three Azdgari warships that I said I captured, but I want to keep 3 of my Igazras and 1 of my Crescent Warships, plus my base that I set up. But now that I am joining Daedalus's Renegades (what is the Renegades EXACT name?), I can capture another Igazra and another Crescent warship (however, I'm thinking of Azdgari Warship). Deal?

      To Daedalus Again: So, am I accepted into your Renegade faction?

      Moderation: That sound much better Carno, keep in mind that only one of your ships is upgraded. Also, you are setting up a base, it is not finished yet. I am going to get rid of my neutron technology except for a little bit on the Wind Thief, Carno wouldn't have been able to afford the gift in the numbers that he said.

      Thunder, I will grant you 300 of the 600 prisoners. It would be hard to cram 600 into a ship in only a few minutes.

      As Carno stands in a corridor over seeing contruction of his new base a shabbily dressed man walks by dropping a note into Carno's hand.
      The note reads:
      You are welcome to attack the Kayans, prove that you are loyal. I cannot spare the money for you base as I am building one of my own. I will not join you yet.

      The man walked up to a bank machine and gave a little yip when he saw 5000 credits newly added to his account.
      Daedalus was on Mira when he received the message from Voinia. "15 million, they must really trust me. Thank goodness. There may be hope yet."
      Daedalus headed to the Terra F. Corporation building to order supplies for is small colony on F-25. It cost him 2 million. He then went to a trading firm followed by a space contstruction company. He left with only 3 million left.
      Daedalus set a transmission to the RA telling them to demand 400,000 for the 300 remaining prisoners to make up for the damage cost of the station.
      He also sent a message to the Voinian fleet to take over and occupy the independent worlds between the RA and old UE space.
      He then got into his scoutship and flew away after sending a message to Nova6.
      <Transmission Source: Mira>
      <Target: Nova6>
      Have taken severe damage from Kayans, need more money. They have developed some sort of new weapon and are getting reinforcments from some other race.

      Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!

    • Do I have control of the Zidagar now?

      "One Ring to rule them all one Ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
      Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"")

    • Yes, Titan. And Nova, try and tone down the amount of money you send out. Remember you have to manage a nation of your own and you're people are now in depression. If this continues, many planets will uprise. I know this wouldn't be realistic in the actual game, but you have given off 30 million credits so far and for the uses of the story i will have to restrict that. Thunder, how much did i get payed?

      It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.