Then, as the Zodiac continues on its course, suddenly, three Izgari Warships slipstream into the system. As they approach the Zodiac, Rooster suspects nothing. The Izgari are friends with them.
The three Izgari warships simoltainiously fire their ion beams (Izgari weapon, they love beams) at the Zodiac. As the ships rocks from the hits, Rooster orders shields up, but not in time. With a few more blasts, the three Izgari warships are able to destroy half the Zodiacs shields.
"Return fire!" Rooster yells.
The Zodiac returns fire with Photon pulses, but they only bring one of the warships shields down to 71%. The Izgari warships swarm the Zodiac, and take its shields down to 1%. Then, one of the Izgari vessels fires a group of SADs, which blast away the rest of the Zodiac's shielding, and a bit of its armor.
Then, seven Azdgari warships slipstream into the system. The Izgari don't even notice them until a single blast from a disruptor beam destroys the engine section on one of the warships. As the Izgari warships come about, the Azdgari warships fire several more beam blasts, and with startling ease, disable the the other two Izgari warships.
Then, the lead Azdgari vessel, the A.I.S. Heedless, hails the Zodiac.
Rooster: "What was that all about?"
Captain Zorvic of the Heedless: "Izgari renegades. When they heard from us that the Corocians wanted the Izgari to be evacuated, they went nuts. Not a single Izgari will move and the Izgari military, which ain't that big, can't move them. Carnotaur has dispatched fourty battalions of Azdgari troops, but I don't think that'll help much. Those rogue Azdgari warships, which my ships will board and then tow away, were hijacked, and then the renegades went after you. The Izgari don't like the idea of leaving their homeworld. They are rather scared of the outside world, and they love their planet very much. Although the Izgari government says that they can evacuate all their systems except for Izgari and Brokac Iz. Maybe the Ruccannan can help. They actually know a lot more about Slipstream than we do. I'd ask Rok Tinar. He's supposed to be on Azdgari with Carnotaur, discussing the tactical situation. I think you should go there at once. Otherwise, unless you figure out some way to compromise with the Izgari, they won't leave."
Rooster: "How did those Izgari ships hurt the Zodiac so easily and you disable them so easily?"
Captain Zorvic: "Shield phase modulation. Since they are allied with us, they were able to figure out the shield modulation, were able to set their weapons to that frequency, and thus, your shields did not work much. However, we also were able to get their shield modulation and easily disable them."
To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).
(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 01-10-2001).)