Here is some info on the Rogue:
The Rogue own seven systems, the three closest to the asteroid field are Reilge (Reelge), Makkar, and Retor. The others are Reema, Regzok (Reg-zok), Letrare (Let-rare), and Reuge (Ree-ooge) their capital. Carnotaur will be posting a map soon. Their systems are by the side of North tip asteroid field close to Carnotaur.
The Rogue's hand-held weapons aren't very good, however, they can spit acid out of there mouths, the acid is very good at dissolving organic stuff, once it's on you, you don't have a chance. They are also resistant to most kinds of acid.
The Rouge's ships are very powerful (As stated in my earlier post). They have three types:
Attack ship, Destroyer, Cruiser. The Attack ship and Destroyer have cloaking devices. The Attack ship has the weakest of their beams but it is still deadly, and it has the speed and turning of an Azdara, and the strength of a Zidagar fighter (Almost). The Destroyer has the strongest of their beams, and it also has disruption pulse that disables almost any ships shields quickly(but it has a relatively short range). The cruiser has 5 Phase disruption turrets (Which are a combination of Neutron and Phase, they are a little bit weaker than Neutron but almost have the accuracy of Phase). They also have an Attack ship bay which carry 4 Attack ships (Or 3).
The Rogue can also seal almost any cuts very quickly.
Just a reminder, the Rogue have been existent for 300 years so far (Just no ones discovered them).
Rogue ships also have excellent armor regeneration. To them, armor is just like a second layer of shields, and can be regenerated relatively quickly.
I hope I can include them.
P.S. I'm not to good at this so I won't post a bunch.
(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 12-22-2000).)