Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • EVO Webboard Plug

      21 157 1362

      Okay... I've decided to try this. If you want to be on the plug, post a reply using the following forrmat. If you leave anything out, I can't put you in. No offensive material. Sorry, you need to use existing ships, weapons, upgrades, etc.

      Where it can be found:
      AI: (Warship/Wimpy Trader/Brave Trader/Interceptor)
      Agression: (Weakling/Reasonable/Bully)
      Run away at what shield %:
      % to modify sheilds by:
      Weapons in addition to ones on ship: (Up to 4, specify # of them and # of ammo, if not unlimited)
      Holds Grudge: Yes/No
      Has escape pod: Yes/No
      Communications Quote (when you hail and hit "Greetings"):
      Hail Quote (what they say to you when you enter the system):

      I hope to get you all on! 😄

      P.S. I got you, Nova6. 🙂

      "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." -Mel Brooks

    • Hey miranu.... I posted this idea a few hours ago. Please, be more original.

      (url="http://"")Oh Look.... my very own thread(/url) sigh....

      "That, Mr. Anderson, is the sound of inevitability. That is the sound of your death"
      "My name is NEEEEEOOOOOOOO!!!"
      leap splat screeeeeeeeech
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

    • Unless, of course, you're taking me up on my offer..... but, in that case... why not just keep it to that thread?

      "That, Mr. Anderson, is the sound of inevitability. That is the sound of your death"
      "My name is NEEEEEOOOOOOOO!!!"
      leap splat screeeeeeeeech
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

    • Flatty already posted this!


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Flatulence:
      **Unless, of course, you're taking me up on my offer..... but, in that case... why not just keep it to that thread?

      That's what I was doing...sorry, you're right, should've kept it to that thread. :frown:

      "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." -Mel Brooks

    • Teh. I'm overjoyed that you're willing to give it a try! that's awesome!...

      Well, let's just leave the two threads open, see who replies where.... I have a feeling that this plug is going to kick ass! 😄

      "That, Mr. Anderson, is the sound of inevitability. That is the sound of your death"
      "My name is NEEEEEOOOOOOOO!!!"
      leap splat screeeeeeeeech
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

    • Hey miranu, I already have a couple ships made for this plug-in... still want to do it?

      "Living is easy with eyes closed. Misunderstanding all you see."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Bubaganoosh:
      **Hey miranu, I already have a couple ships made for this plug-in... still want to do it?

      Yeah...I'm gonna do it. You can make your own if you really want to, though, I don't mind.

      "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." -Mel Brooks

    • Okay, I guess I'll do something else 🙂 have fun, and tell me when it is done!! Okay here is mine...

      Ship Name: Bubaganoosh
      Where it can be found: Any System
      Government: (make a new EVO Webboard Gvt.) if not then I'll be just a Trader
      AI: (Warship/Wimpy Trader/Brave Trader/Interceptor) Brave Trader
      Agression: (Weakling/Reasonable/Bully) Reasonable
      Run away at what shield %: 10%
      Ship: Zachit Arada
      Credits: 500 thousand
      % to modify sheilds by: 140%
      Weapons in addition to ones on ship: 2 Phased Turrets, 2 Neutron Turrets, 2 SAD Launchers + 50 Modules
      Holds Grudge: No
      Has escape pod: Yes
      Communications Quote (when you hail and hit "Greetings"): Greetings from beyond the Galaxy!
      Hail Quote (what they say to you when you enter the system): Ewww, who cut the cheese!

      "Living is easy with eyes closed. Misunderstanding all you see."

      (This message has been edited by Bubaganoosh (edited 11-25-2000).)

    • Ship Name: Mighty Yellow Penis (or Flatulence, if that's not proper) 😄
      Where it can be found: Any System
      Government: Përsian 😄
      AI: (Warship/Wimpy Trader/Brave Trader/Interceptor) Warship
      Agression: (Weakling/Reasonable/Bully) Bully
      Run away at what shield %: nevah surrendah!!!
      Ship: Igadzra Igazra
      Credits: 1 million
      % to modify sheilds by: 150%
      Weapons: 5 Neutron turrets, 1 Tractor beam, 2 pursuit missile launchers, 50 missiles
      Holds Grudge: Yes
      Has escape pod: Yes
      Communications Quote (when you hail and hit "Greetings"): I ain't no Bison, but I'm still mean!
      Hail Quote (what they say to you when you enter the system): Watch your back, PSN

      " have you met her?"
      "Here we go again.... the digital pimp, hard at work"
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

    • This is mine.
      Pilot: Titan
      Ship Name: Avenger
      Type: Igadzra
      Extra shields/armor: 800 more shields and 600 more armor
      Weapons: 6 Phase turrets, Enhanced Neutron turrets, 5 pursuit missle launchers 50 missles, 3 Zidigar fighter bays 6 fighters
      gvot: Zidigar
      Hail: Say your prayers!
      Comm: This is the human Titan prepare to die!
      Escape pod: yes
      Hold grudge: no
      Where: Strand Space
      AI: Interceptor
      Aggresion, Resonable
      Credits: 50 Million

      Victory to the UE!

      (This message has been edited by Titan (edited 11-25-2000).)

    • Miranu, do you have email, ICQ, or AIM, so we can talk about this? My email is ICQ/AIM are up here....

      " have you met her?"
      "Here we go again.... the digital pimp, hard at work"
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

    • This one is mine.

      Where it can be found: UE frontier, Vorik, Obron, Avenn(After UE missions are done) the three systems that were counquerd by those steenking Hewnams.
      Name: InvinciNaught
      Government: Voinian (Duh)
      AI: Warship
      Agression: Reasonable
      Run away at what shield %: Why run away? I can kill anything except a fleet of 7 UE crusiers.
      Ship: Enhanced Voinian Dreadnaught (See ROTV2)
      Credits:47.06 Million
      % to modify sheilds by: 120%
      % to modify armor by: 140%
      Weapons in addition to ones on ship: 3 phase turrets, one Crec. fighter bay, eight D. pod launchers with 160 D. pods.
      Holds Grudge: Yes (Duh)
      Has escape pod: I won't need one but just incace a cheater trys to kill me yes.
      Communications Quote: You...Are...Going...To...DIE!!!!!
      Hail Quote: SHOOT ME!!!!!!
      Speed/Turning upgrades: All except azdgari Upgrade.
      Can bribe to stop shooting: No.
      Books of the new millennia:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assassins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

      (This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 11-25-2000).)

    • Happy happy joy joy! Count me in...

      Found: Any system
      Government: (url="http://"")Miranu(/url)
      AI: Warship
      Aggression: Reasonable
      Run away? Bah! 🙂
      Ship: (url="http://"")Crescent Warship(/url)
      Ship Name: Slave II
      Credits: none
      % shield mod.: 200%
      Upgrades: turrets and cannons maxed out (everything phase except one Emalgha turret), SAE launcher, dispersal rocket launcher, Zidagar ECM. And an escape pod too...
      Grudge: No...
      Escape Pod: yes
      Comm Quote: Don't even think about it.
      Hail Quote: Die, Voinians, die!!!

      Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
      "Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?"--Charlie McCarthy

    • Found: everywhere!
      Gov't: council
      Agression: Bully
      Wimpiness: 10%
      Ship: Enhanced Azdara
      Credits: 1000000000000 (hey, no armor, can't disable :D)
      Shieldmod: 800%
      Weapons: 1 swivel phase cannon, 1 rear phase cannon
      Grudge: yes
      pod: yes
      Hail quote: Look what I stole!
      Comm quote: Aren't I amazing?

      Name: Oasa (not Oasamostexianu, please)


      (This message has been edited by oasamostexianu (edited 11-26-2000).)

    • Titan, Lonevoinian, sigh, sorry, no invincible ships (that means no dreadnaughts) allowed. 😉

      "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." -Mel Brooks

    • The Dreadnaught is not invinceable! I edited my post so its not a Dreadnaught anymore.

      Victory to the UE!

    • Yes, the dreadnaught is not invincible... however, it would make a really lame përs. It's a special ship, for one mission in the game. Stick with the basic ships for your përs. And the whole point of the plug was to make them ships you actually fly, with the improvements that you actually add without cheating. That's the whole point of the "shield/armor % increase to make up for the dospect/shield enhancors that you add....

      I touched on this in my original thread, but whatever.... so, how about we lay down some rules?

      1. No invinci-ships. Includes Azdaras, Dreadnaughts.

      2. Overstuffing fighter bays is ok, as long as its a reasonable amount of fighters

      3. Try to make your stuff match... Igazra warship with Aggy upgrades as a "Zidagar government ship" just doesn't fit.

      4. About shields and armor... just use % increase from the original ship's base values IE: If your ship is a UE Destroyer with 150 base shields (I think that's it), and you've added 90 shields to it (somehow), then that's a 160% shield change. Saying "with 800 extra shields" could mean shipyard units, ev units, normal people units, etc, etc, whatever.

      5. Fill out the whole form that miranu posted originally. Having gaps is really annoying, cuz then we have to go back and ask you.

      That's about all. So far I have 7 përs' stats totally written down and ready to give to miranu.... any other takers? 😄

      " have you met her?"
      "Here we go again.... the digital pimp, hard at work"
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

    • I'd really like to use a stolen Enhanced Arada or a beam-toting Igazra, but this "stock ships only" rule does make a lot of sense, so I guess an Igazra or an UE Cruiser would be the most logical choice. Then again, virtually all other users use these ship, so that would be kinda boring.

      OK, here's my përs. I never tried the ship in-game, and I realize it's never going to be as good as an Igazra or a UE Cruiser, but at least it's innovative.

      Name: Spellchecker
      Government: Cinga
      Location: Anywhere but Voinian territory
      Agression: Reasonable
      Run: 10%
      Ship: Miranu Freighter
      Credits: 5,000,000
      Shield: 475% (justified below)
      Weapons: -2 Defpod Launchers (-10 Defpods), +2 Phased Beams, +1 Zidagar Fighter Bay (+4 Zidagar Fighters), +2 Needle Launchers (+250 Needles).
      Grudge: Yes
      Escape Pod: Yes
      Comm Quote: "You can call me 'Master'."
      Hail Quote: "Misspell an alien name and I'll kill you."

      I start out with 40 tons of weapons space. Add an Emalgha freighter upgrade and 9 mass expansions and sell the defpods, and you get 290 tons of free space. Yummy! 😛

      Put in both Bronev and Dospect armor, leaving 210 tons of space. This adds 150 armor points. However since përses can only modify shield strength, and since armor is much better against most weapons than shields, I translated the armor into shields at a 1.5 ratio (which seems very conservative to me). That's how I get 285 shield points (475%).

      Stick in two Zidagar Phased Beams to take advantage of those ten jumps of fuel, then put in a "supercharged" Zidagar fighter bay (as allowed by Flatulence). A regular two-fighter bay is 75 tons, so I assume that a four-fighter bay will be slightly more room-efficient... say, 140 tons. That leaves 30 tons for the two Needle launchers.

      -- Cinga


    • Also, it would be cool if you had an uninhabited system somewhere that would force at least two përses to appear (feasible in new EVO), as well as some juicy pirates for the përses to shred. Then we wouldn't have to wait ages to see one of them.

      -- Cinga
