Name: Crecent Shark
Govt: Non-allied Crecent (used by Renegades, Strandless, and variation used by Igzari)
Speed: 600
Accel: 2000
Turn: 6
Shields: 130 (ResEdit scale)
Armor: 5 (also ResEdit scale
Crew: 1
Mass: 6
Recharge: I forget the scale, about halfway between the Crecent Fighter and the Adzara
Cargo: 3
Mass: 25
The Crecent shark is another relitivly new desing in crecent space, even newer than the Lizara. There isn't really much to it - just a cockpit with an engine, a few misc. generators, and a few weapons strapped to it. This is the reason it's so fast - because ther is almost nothing to move. It was origionally desinged by the same company that desinged the Lizara, attemting to Mimic the Adzara. While they weren't very sucessful, they did give it the fastest shield recharging rate of a non-allied ship - about half as fast as an Adzara's
Pict- something small that matches the description - I don't really care.
P.S. I'm working on a plug-in now that is basically changing, modifing, and adding things to the game that people here thought should happen. It's gotten pretty big, but I haven't added many ships yet. Maybe we could work together on it - using these ships. Tell me what you think.
So where U at? Where U been?
I sure I'll be seeing you again.
Because this world is kinda small,
Can't we all just get along? -Limp Bizkit