Wow, thats right, Dave is responding to oooold threads! Well, I just thought I would make my opinion known anyway... Well, mike, you were saying you wanted a really good plug that expanded on the current EV or EV:O universe? Look no further than Vorinth! Unfortunately the bastards making it had it practically finished then just trashed it. I got (stole) a late beta of it, and it was great! Oh, a little history for all of you. Waaay back when EV was still in v1.0.4 (even earlier I think) the guy who made the original EV webpage was working on a plug of his. I'm sure some of us remember that really good frequently updated page called Escapte Velocity: The Unofficial Website. It was made by Jos Delbar (woah there, I may be getting someone confused here. I know it was made by some one with a first name that started with a "J" Jos Delbar is the name that comes to mind...but it may be some one else.). Well, Ambrosia decided that it was going to make his site the OFFICIAL there you have it. Later, he "retired" and gave control to a long line of web masters who should never have tried to be web masters.
Anyway, he made Vorinth, which pretty much was a continuation on the confed/rebel war. Another twist - the aliens were back! Well, when I found (stole) the beta, this is what I saw. A massive collection of EV realitive outfits, ships, etc. There were few new personal ships, but it expanded to, or near to, the 64 ship limit with the aliens, and the expanded Rebel/Confed Navys.
Ok, this is where it gets good, I am going to give everyone out there my recollection of what I saw in the beta. Darn, I wish they'd finished it. Well, what I remember the most was the interesting weapons, for both sides. The rebels had something called "Wall Missiles." They were outfitted on nearly every rebel ship. It fired for missiles simultaneously and seemed to make a kind of wall infront of the ship. Each one had...oh...about the power of a tordedo. They were dumb fire. Another weapon, which I can't remember the name of, fired a sphere of nuclear energy. It was a very slow, (heh, but they are fighting the 'feds. We all know what they're famous for) pulsing-yellow ball. Very interesting weapon. The 'feds had some interesting stuff too. The Vorinth team had the interesting idea of having 2 "slugs" in a sprite, creating the illusion of a double barrel nergy weapon. The feds had this weapon, which was pretty good. Thats all I can really was a while ago and my memory isn't what it used to be...oh yes! The ships. Both sides had tons. The only one I can remember is the Confederate Eagle, but thats all I can really tell you...kind of fast, but had the feel of a heavier frigate. I remember playing the rebel campaign in the was slowly introduced each sides new technology and ships. Anyway, I have been rambling, I've said anyway to many times, and um...I'm done. Cya.
Oh yeah, almost forgot, if anyone out there still has ANY vorinth beta, please email it to me. I've already seen it so it doesn't matter. I had the vague idea of completing it...but I doubt any of the original creaters would like that (if they were still even alive)...I just want to play it ![;) 😉](
"Do or do not. There is no try."
(This message has been edited by Dave Lesovoy (edited 02-28-2000).)