...I just wanted to let you know that you do a great job! I think you deserve some credit for it.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow
...I just wanted to let you know that you do a great job! I think you deserve some credit for it.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow
Originally posted by Shadow:
**...I just wanted to let you know that you do a great job! I think you deserve some credit for it.
Ah. So you're spamming the boards to keep them on their toes? Or are you sucking up now to make up for spamming?
AIM - Skyblade500
(url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/ma3/skyblade")Skyblade Software(/url)
And while the Moderators are here, How do I become one?
I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.
why do you wnat to become one exactly, believe it or not, some work isonvolved, I suppose you just want the status.
(url="http://"http://CelticStarbase.tsx.org")http://CelticStarbase.tsx.org(/url) (url="http://"mailto:webmaster@CelticStarbase.com")mailto:webmaster@CelticStarbase.com(/url)webmaster@CelticStarbase.com
Umm...Shadow...you can pretty much kiss my a$$...=)
For those who want to be moderators...umm...it can suck occasionally...and I got hammered on a while back for it too...spam can be interpreted by many as different things...and it's not easy to do...
PEACE YO! (The original)
D rugs A re R eally E xpensive
"Quoted the Kwanza Man...Nevermore."
AIM: Kwanzar26
(url="http://"http://www.crosswinds.net/~kwanza")Kwanzasoft Graphics(/url)
Hmmmm, I'm still up to it!
Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...
AIM: StrikerDragon
Thanks, but this is spam, if you want to complement us, email us