4 Computers:
1 Tangerine iMac (128mb RAM)
2 Dual 500mhz G4's (768MB RAM, 3 x 36Gig Utltra Drives)
2 17" Apple Monitors
- Don't buy the flat-panel, at least not in our opinion. The graphic resolution isn't as sharp (don't argue it, CNET, ZDNET, Apple, and us have all tested it). And, you have to pay quite a price for it. If you have the money, get it, but its small, and kinda sharp on the eye.
The Cube is good value for money, excellant in fact, considering that many users will not need many upgrades. The best computers are the G4 towers (at least for speed and expandability). If gaming like Unreal, Quake III (and Half-Life if you run a Linux drive as well) then get the Tower, because you can get better graphics cards and faster HD's.
The Cube is cool though, and the CD drive is nearly silent. What are you doing turning the volume down and listening for it anyway?! 
1 PC (Dell, 800mhz, 512mb of RAM)
- Quite possibly the worst computer in the world, but ok compared with most PC's. The only reason we use this monstrosity is because Cold Fusion requires it as a development platform. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
1 17" ADI MultiScan monitor (6G)
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