Originally posted by andrew:
**Personally, I prefer the surface detail of the first one (the darker green one), and the color of the second, lighter one -- but should it really be that light?. Combine those two, and I think you have a winner.
Though I bet that if you took the first one (darker green) and just dropped the saturation down, it'd look really nice too -- in other words, a darker green than the one on the left, but less saturated than the one on the right.
Thanks, I've run the idea by Troy and he is going to see if he can implement your suggestion to see how it looks. I didn't like it that light either, so Troy is going to bring it down a bit and give it a whirl.
Originally posted by Meowx Design:
**Well, the problem with the dark green one is that it doesn't look like a Romulan Warbird. It has the basic shape, but when you compare it to the lighter green one, there's no question which one to use.
The shape problem isn't because of the textures, it is because Troy redid the whole model (in less than a day too! albeit a full day, but sightly less than 24 hours!) so, I'm going to give Andrew's idea a whirl and post it up and you guys can choose which ship to use.
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