Ever since I conquered three of the southern tip renegade worlds, I get pounded by renegade patrols or a bounty hunter, or both almost every time I warp in anywhere. I haven't been able to upgrade my speed or acceleration yet, so I get mugged before I can warp out again. I can use my afterburners, but then I have to refuel sooner, which is difficult because of all the renegades and bounty hunters... :mad:
And when I do stick around and fight the bounty hunter, the chicken sh*t bastard bolts when his shields drop below about 30. :p:
Would a fake ID help?
And another thing. I completed this Defend us from Renegades mission on one of the southern Indy worlds. After they paid me and thanked me they said I was welcome on two or three of the Indy worlds (don't remember names) and had access to ships, yada, yada, yada. Thing is, the moment I left there those Indy worlds turned Hostile and my status there went to Criminal or Fugitive. What gives? Bug? Or is my universal translater in need of a tune up? :rolleyes:
And what did I read about the Emilgha (spelling?) offering access to a third world (is that a pun?) if you help them battle Voinians? I helped the Emmies. I trounced the Veggies. I hung out in Emmy bars. Went back later and did it all again. Zip. Ziltch. Nada. Wassup?
By the way, I just want to say that despite all of my complaining, I still really enjoy the EVO universe and community.
If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.