I don't understand what the meaning of the class of planet is.
For example,
k,m and so on.
Also i have had an idea that u could buy planets and moons.u could buy defence fleets and make your own GM.
What do u think???????
I don't understand what the meaning of the class of planet is.
For example,
k,m and so on.
Also i have had an idea that u could buy planets and moons.u could buy defence fleets and make your own GM.
What do u think???????
Buying planets would be cool but dambed expensive you could build your empire peacefully :D.
Sorrey don't know what the letters mean something to do with tech levels
I have never understanded the classes. I think it has to do with the tech levels and the size of the defence fleet all together. And the last thing, I have thought of that possibility since I downloaded the EV demo. That would have been sweet........
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I think it's like star trek in that the vilont planets are class Y or something and the planets like New Voinia are class M or something like that.
U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.
I do believe I read this somewhere, likely the EV bible. The class of planet is dependent on the type of planet - makes sense, right? M is earth-like, K was...desert-like, IIRC, etc. I believe the types are stored in an STR# resource.
I already said that.
U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.
Originally posted by jdp:
Also i have had an idea that u could buy planets and moons.u could buy defence fleets and make your own GM.
Many people have suggested this; you're certainly not among the first to suggest it. Unfortunately, it can't work. At heart, EV/O is an arcade game, not a strategy game. If you want to build your own empire, get Master of Orion II.
"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"http://www.votenader.com")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.
AIM: ColdFusion117
(This message has been edited by ColdFusion (edited 08-21-2000).)
Or Star Trek: Birth of the Federation. It's cooler. Oh, wait that's for the PC.
U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.
Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...
Come on... :rolleyes: You have to admit that the PC has more games. And all of them are cooler than mac games.(Excluding EV:O, of course.)
U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.
here is the planetary classification system included in star trek: the next generation by spectrum holobyte. im not sure if the game i have is damaged and therefore does not have the total list, but it stopped at 'N'
class- type name: Core/surface composition.Atmosphere composition.
A- Gas supergiant: Metallic hydrogen. Gaseous hydrogen and compounds
B- Gas giant: Liquid methane and hydrogen. Gaseous hydrogen and compounds
C- Reducing: Iron or silicate. Carbon dioxide.
D- Geo-plastic: Magma surface. Rock vapor and chlorine
E- Geo-metallic: Heavy elements and silicates. Ammonia.
F- Geo-crystalline: Light elements and silicates. Oxygen/nitrogen and metalvapor.
G- Desert: Metals or silicates. Oxygen or nitrogen and metal vapor.
H- Geo-thermal: Silicates. Toxic complex hydrocarbons
I- Asteroid/moon: metals or silicates. Types 1-3 none, 4-6 faint.
J- Geo-morteus: Light elements and silicates. Tenuous halogen.
K- Subterrestrial: Iron or silicates. Toxic
L- Outer gas giant: Silicates. Layered frozen gasses.
M- Terrestrial: Iron or silicates. Oxygen/nitrogen.
N- Pelagic: Iron or silicates. Oxygen/nitrogen
this is in no way scientific or even consistant with FICTION, but it seems to me to be just a little bit comprehensive.
My bus came i got on and sat down next to this beautiful blond chinese girl. I said 'hello' and she said 'hello' and i said 'isn't it an amazing day?' And she said 'yes it is, i guess.' I said what do you mean 'i guess'? She said 'well things haven't been going too well for me lately.' I said 'like what?' She said 'i can't tell you, i don't even know you.' I said 'yeah, but sometimes its good for you to tell your problems to an absolute total stranger on a bus.' She said 'well, i just came back from my anaylist and he's still unable to help me.' I said 'what's the problem?' And she paused and said 'im a nymphomaniac and i only get turned on by jewish cowboys.' and she said 'by the way, my name's Diane.' And i said 'hello, Diane, my name's Bucky Goldstein.'
In Star Trek an M-Class planet apparently means humans can live on it (I say apparently because I get all my ST info from my brother, I don't like the show), as for EV/O it just seems to change with the picture of the planet, it apparently has no scientific basis, they probably just thought it would be a good thing to add.
You got class D wrong. Class D has Iron and Silicates, but a solid core and a surface with no atmosphere whatsoever. It's, as Spock said in Star Trek II, "essentially just a lifless rock in space."
I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it
-Cantharan Admiral za'Grom
After the capture of Earth