Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Problems altering EVO pilot file

      I've been looking for a way to decode the EVO pilot file. I read an earlier post and stumbled upon the decrypting program and a C structure describing the format of the EV pilot file. I created a template based on that structure, but the numbers don't line up.

      The problem is in the fields for 8 currently-running missions. The C code says that the deadline date is in DateTimeRec format. According to Apple's latest universal interfaces, DateTimeRec is:

      struct DateTimeRec {
      short year;
      short month;
      short day;
      short hour;
      short minute;
      short second;
      short dayOfWeek;

      This, however, doesn't seem to work. Does the EVO pilot file use something other than a DateTimeRec, or is the latest definition wrong? Or am I doing this all wrong? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

      Tim Morgan
      (url="http://"")Lightning Bolt Software(/url)

      Visit my site, (url="http://"")All the EV Override Tips You Could Possibly Want(/url).

    • I can't quite figure it out myself.

      "Sir, victory of the bladder over the mind is inevitable"-James T. Farrell

      AIM: Deadstar72

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Syzygy:
      **This, however, doesn't seem to work. Does the EVO pilot file use something other than a DateTimeRec, or is the latest definition wrong? Or am I doing this all wrong? Any thoughts would be appreciated.


      ummmm...... yes. 😄

      "Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
      "Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

      -- Loiosh & Vlad --