Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The missiles in EVO

      Is it just me or are the missiles and rockets in EVO really stupid looking?? They look so cheap. And to think EV came out before it. The missiles in that looked 50 times better. I'm talking about the outfit picts.

      You're unique, just like everybody else.

      Those things, those things! They're all around, they hide in the corners until they see light...

    • ummm.... it's just you. Who the hell cares?

      "Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
      "Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

      -- Loiosh & Vlad --

    • i care...



    • it doesnt matter, theres no point to the pics, looking at them outside they look very cool, less cartoony than the ones in ev

      "what is life but a prelude to death?"-me
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      my favorite phrases from songs:
      "###### it all, ###### this world, ###### everything that you stand for, dont belong, dont accept, dont give a s###, dont ever judge me"-slipknot, surfacing
      "hey pig, yeah you pig, hey pig piggy pig pig pig"-nine inch nails, piggy
      "your god is dead, and noone cares, if there is a hell, ill see you there"-nine inch nails, heresy

    • yeah i agree theyre too blocky looking....

      (url="http://"")See my Sig!(/url)

      Marge, pointing to horse: "At least we don't have to feed anything I got at the fair.....except the mop."

    • Well, EV is about a hundred years further into the future than EVO, so, missile technology would probably be better.

      My other ship is also a Kestrel ...

      AIM : Grundle004

    • Use MAGMA. It makes replaces many graphics and sounds to ones that are 5x better.

      "That's cool how you just walked through
      that door, but I still won't let you leave."
      — Durandal

    • MAGMA rocks!! It makes EVERYTHING look better!! Except asteroids....

      Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

    • Get a plug called SpaceRocks, it changes the graphics, maybe that's for EV thouigh..........


    • Why are you complaning be luckey there are missiles in the game who cares how the outfit pictures look. All that realy matters is killing the person attacking you!

    • hotdiggitydog. preach on! 😄

      "Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
      "Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

      -- Loiosh & Vlad --

    • If you are speaking of the hunter and rocket pictures, you must realize they aare designed to do huge damage so they are huge and ugly to knock the snot out of an enemy shooting their bloody weapons, so who gives what a dumb 100 x 100 pixel picture looks like? Its the idea NOT the picture!

      "A terrible darkness has fallen upon us, but we must not surrender to it. We shall lift lamps of courage and find our way through to the morning."
      -Member of Emalgha Resistance

    • Once again, well spoken patton.

      However, as an avid english student, I must point out that it's "Only god and I know. 😄 :rolleyes: 😛

      see? everyone's happy.

      "Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
      "Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

      -- Loiosh & Vlad --

    • I wouldn't say they look that bad... you know?

      The simple rocket is a Voinian design, and they're meant to be simple, crude, depressingly effective missiles. The Hunter is based on the rocket, so it's bound to look similar.

      I do, however, see the point.

      The missiles in EV looked more interesting, they had loads of fins and fancy frilly bits. Perhaps they're all a little colourful. I mean, look at one of the new F/A-18 Super Hornets and take a look under the wings. they're all grey. Same with the Eurofighter Typhoon. And all the rest of them. I mean, if the stupid thing's sole purpose in life is to blow up, destroying itself, who cares what it looks like?

      But the simple fact is that it's not the looks that count.

      It's how many Voinians you can blow apart with them.

      Over and Out.


      Grybs. The Entity.
      (url="http://"")Invalid Directory(/url)

      Why does everyone have some quasi-amusing quote at the end of their signature file?

      I am not afraid.

    • I actually never use the bloody missiles anyway. Escort fighters and Neutron Turrets are the real things to use, if you have high shield rate and enough speed to do the Monty Python! The pictures look blocky but that doesnt matter cause compared to EV, the missiles go better and more realistic.. And if that really bother you, get the Magma plug....

      "You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs."

      -Quote from Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, alias Lenin when he made a speech about counter-terrorism to the Soviet Union-


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    • I agree, the missiles and rockets in EVO look awful, but they sound awful aswell.
      Sure, it's before EV on the timescale, but the truth is that the guidance systems on the hunter missiles make them handle like the torpedoes from EV, but I don't think they do as much damage, to be honest. Quite frankly, even today's missiles are faster and more accurate, it's like missile technology took a step back.
      Not that it really bothers me, I rarely play EVO any more -it pales in comparison to the original (and better) EV.
      I'm not bothered about how the missiles look, or how they sound, but they perform terribly, and I hate them. The best weapon in EVO is the SAE modules - great little things, exceedingly dangerous.
