I can take out 2 V. Cruisers with my Emalgha Freighter too, its those stupid cresent SAE that give me problems. I would really like to know what hat guys who said Emalgha ships were drawn in Kid pix was thinking? That is just stupid! No offense but the Emalgha ship look bery cool, and detailed, I mean they drew in the metal reinforcements and little spikes for the fighter, heck you CAN'T do that in Kid Pix, then again I also don't think the Vionion ships look like Kid pix works, what DOSE look like KId Pix work is the explosions, they are kinda dumb looking (Note: I am still running 1.0.0 so I don't know if they fixed it.......)
~Disco Patton
"A terrible darkness has fallen over the people of Emalgha, we must lift our lamps to find our way throught the darkness, may God save our poor world"
-Member of Emalgha Resistance