...Especially since he has not unexploded yet.
DE thinks The_Eegras should stick to one username.
DE winds up Rickton, and he starts again.
Barth creates a Rickton Remote, changes the channel, and hands it to Freq.
Cheat/Eegras, pick an account and let me know which one you don't want locked down.
Barth hands EVula a warm one.
The Cheat picks this one to keep.
Rickton takes the remote and smashes it. He's an unstoppable force of clockwork wrath!
"OOPS! Wrong channel!"
Barth quickly creates a second Rickton Remote and changes it back to the original channel, then throws the remote into the acid pit wherein the regenerator still lies.
The Cheat makes another Regenerator and does stuff to it so it can not regenerate anyone but The Cheat. He then shoves 'bath' into the acid pit.
Unfortunately, clockwork automata can't be controlled via radio remote.
This post has been edited by Rickton : 05 August 2005 - 09:44 PM
Hamster appears, in a cracker mobile suit, and rips the skin off Freq's back. He ties a string through it, wears it as a cloak, and declares himself immortal.
He then orders a warm milkshake, and pours it down his pants.
...Of which he has none.
Suddenly Freq's missed clone (he accrued by a lab accident with the hamster clone machine) appears, takes the big Hamster, disembowelles him, makes with his pelt a Hamster Pelt carpet and uses Hamster's blood to clone now big hamsters. He then orders a regenerator by Amazon, regenerates the old Freq with his skin and kills himself. The old Freq has now even Hamster Carpets for 300$ and the origin Carpet for 2000$ at his shop.
He then helps the barth slobber to crawl out of the acid pit, put him in the regenerator and start it. But the regenerator has a defect, because barth's temperature is still about 700 Degree Celsius and he liquefy through the regenerator's techniks. After the regeneration barth changes intoooooooooo barf!
Freq orders a new regenerator by Apple regenerates barf and barf is again barth.
This post has been edited by Frequency 245 : 06 August 2005 - 07:57 AM
A large antelope walks into the bar. Jimbob does the only logical thing and starts riding him around on the bartop.
Jimbob is a bastion of reason in these troubled times.
DE looks up to Jimbob in the tough times. What should we do O Great One?!?
Not the Tough Times, n00b, the Troubled Times. The Tough Times are filled with communist hippy conservative democratic propoganda, while the Troubled Times are full of unbiased news.
n00B? DE cries because of his stoopid mistake.
From atop the Antelope Jimbob adressed DE:
"Oh mighty...Steve! Do not let the post office opress your people!"
With a sudden explosion the antelope diseappeared and reappared several lightyears away on Earth. It landed on top of a taxi cab in Brooklyn, and scientists were baffled for many years to come.
Jimbob was baffled for several seconds. Then he shrugged it off and downed a few shots.
"Steve.... We must carefully weigh the pounds of meat until we come to a conclusion. A conclusive one, at that. I say the first action we take in the times which may or may not be troubled is a desicive one!"
With that, Jimbob walked over to the Jukebox and played "Wild Thing"
This post has been edited by Jimbob : 07 August 2005 - 12:40 PM
emainiac slumps onto the bar and begins to fall deeper and deeper into a pit of self and n00b loathing. He glumly surveys the bar and begins to weep for its future.
JoeBob eats a sprinklien donut.