Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Boozerama Bar

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      o.k. i saw this on the ares webboard. this isn't for posting stories. just come in, order a drink, or talk with the others in the bar. hope you all like this thread.

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • Captain Skyblade walks into the bar, gets a drink of water, then leaves. 😉

      ~Captain Skyblade

      President of the Corsair Development Team
      (url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

    • SilverDragon comes in, finds that no-one is there, and talks to the wall for
      a while.

      He then walks up to Ultimate Rebel. "That wall! Did you here it? Did you? Did
      you here what it said!?! You should throw it out!" SilverDragon then leaves.

      The wall looks at Ultimate Rebel innocently. "What did I do?"

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • Phoenix walks in and blows away the evil wall.

      (ever hear a wall scream? It's terrible)

      He then walks out.

      "That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

      (This message has been edited by Ultra Phoenix (edited 05-03-2001).)

    • Ultimate Rebel stares at where the wall used to be. "hey that wall was expensive!" Ultimate Rebel puts a sign where the wall used to be saying "free booze!"

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • OOC: Arg! I had a whole plotline about that wall!

      SilverDragon walks back in, and talks to another wall. He walks up to Ultimate

      "That wall....... That wall is Prime Evil. Did you hear what he said to me? Did
      you hear that language?" SilverDragon walks out shaking his head.

      PS: No-one touch the wall!

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SilverDragon:
      PS: No-one touch the wall!

      G.P. enters, takes a taxing look around the near-empty bar which has very recently (and suddenly) acquired the atmosphere of a beer garden (nice view of the spaceport, innit? and not quite as stuffy as it used to be in here....), gets himself a pint of "THE REAL genuine old-fashioned Guinness" from New Ireland, not New Britain, downs half of it, then walks up to SilverDragon, says:

      What's this thing about walls?
      Which of the ones left do you mean?
      Hope not the ... er ... central one, because it's already at least half-dead as well.
      I accidentally bashed into it the other night when having a good mosh with ... er ... Redbeard, or was it Bluebeard - anyway, Dyedsomeweirdcolourbeard the Pirate and his crew, and that wall didn't budge, didn't complain, didn't even react much when I gave it another nudge to get it to join in. All it did was spit a bit of plaster at me.
      So, choose your wall carefully, if it's supposed to survive an extensive plotline.

      G.P. grins at SilverDragon, raises his mug, takes a drink, then withdraws to a corner table to marvel at the new view of Evildrome.


    • Rawzer (very drunk):WHAT'RE YOUUUU LOOKIN' AT?!!!! DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE!!!! hiccup I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S UGLY!!! urrrhhhh... burp ...stupid punks.

      Rawzer falls asleep, wakes up with huge hangover: Where am I? Oh sh**! I gotta get this package in by...YESTERDAY!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

      Rawzer walks out, cursing.

      "If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended ... umm ... something something." -Puck

    • G.P.'s body starts to complain about its position - bum-on-bench, head-on-table, rest-somewhere-else - then the less physical parts begin to join in, G.P. wakes up, but doesn't, but does anyway, groans for a while, then veeeeerrry slowly extends his arms to massage his temples, finds out that his fingertips won't extend that far
      (such early-morning inspiration hits him mainly because his bloodshot eyes manage to focus on a gorgeous-looking buccaneerette outside on a spaceport landing pad doing a swift side-skip to avoid tripping over G.P.'s forehead....).


      Hrrrrmmm. Later.


      Toilet first and then breakfast?


      Breakfast first and then....something or other.....

      At least the Boozerama is a 24/7 place.

      On his way to the bar to get a pint of breakfast, G.P. notices some sort of package on the floor.
      Considers whether it's worth the hassle - and the embarrassment of losing his balance while bending down to pick it up.
      Considers. Unexpectedly, an unfamiliar body part apparently located somewhere behind that forehead of his, which still seems to be resting on the landing pad outside, decides to cut in.
      He looks around.
      No problem. Both beings present in the bar, "UnableToProvideTranslation" the Alien barcreature, and Salacia, who is an independent businesswoman at nights and during the day has a stable job moving the dirt from one corner of the Boozerama to another, and whose real name is Tracey, have seen G.P. in worse situations.

      So, despite a certain amount of effort, G.P.'s bending-down movement lacks grace.

      Wo' the .....
      Says 'Rawzer' on it.
      Ain't that one of the buggers who shouted at me last night?
      Says 'To Be Delivered Yesterday' on it.
      I'm not going to run after him.
      He probably won't need it, if delivery date is yesterday.
      Which - hello and good morning brains - probably means the day before, if he dropped it last night.
      Might still be worth having a look what's in it.
      Breakfast, then toilet.
      UnableToProvideTranslation, get a pint going, will ya?

      Another day at the Boozerama begins to take its course.


    • Rawzer, feeling very sluggish, walks in and sits next to GP, the "stupid punk" from the other day. Rawzer hands him a note that reads:"Meet me outside." Except, becuase of Rawzer's very bad handwriting, it looks like: "Mccf mc dafsiqc."

      As Rawzer leaves, GP begins to wonder if Rawer is an alien in disguise. But then he realizes that aliens are twice as large as humans, so he brushes off that theory.

      After half an hour, Rawzer walks back in, and hands GP another note which clearly reads:"Meet me outside." This time in very elegant handwriting. GP thinks with his half mind, "Could it be?" and dashes out the door to find...

      GP, you may take over now.

      (A year later, and I finally correct my spelling error on my name.)

      "If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended ... umm ... something something." -Puck

      (This message has been edited by Rawzer (edited 06-28-2002).)

    • UR cleans the table GP ate at, then notices the package. "To be delivered yesterday" "Rawzer". leaves it alone and notices an alien, brings it a smelly glowing drink and walks of to the safety behind his bar. where a blaster and a few extra magazines lay hidden. this place is weird.

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • SilverDragon returns, walkly into the bar, and into the wall. He falls over, and
      smashes his head against the hard floor.

      He gets up shortly after, a huge bruise on his head, and walks up to Ultimate
      Rebel. "That darned wall! THAT DARNED WALL! Look what it did? Did you see? Did
      you? Did you see that? It hit me! God, I need a drink!"

      SilverDragon lurches out of the bar.

      OOC: No-one touch the wall.

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • Touch.

      "If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended ... umm ... something something." -Puck

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SilverDragon:
      **SilverDragon returns, walkly into the bar, and into the wall. He falls over, and
      smashes his head against the hard floor.

      He gets up shortly after, a huge bruise on his head, and walks up to Ultimate
      Rebel. "That darned wall! THAT DARNED WALL! Look what it did? Did you see? Did
      you? Did you see that? It hit me! God, I need a drink!"

      SilverDragon lurches out of the bar.

      OOC: No-one touch the wall.


      this freighter has had tritanium armor added in case of attack. i suggest you not bang your head on it. :eek: you left a blood stain! :mad: this will take forever to wash out!

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • UR gets straight alcohol and places it on the reserved table by the "wall" for SD.

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • SilverDragon returns once more, with a Trans-Dimensional Accelerated Gluon Blaster
      in his hand.

      He points it at the wall. "THAT IS IT!" SilverDragon shouts, and he opens fire.

      The walls shakes, and crashes to the ground. The near earthquake that follows cauuses
      a large lighting array to fall on SilverDragon's head, causing him to fall forward.

      SilverDragon falls down just as the wall collapses, and a large brick smashes on to
      his head.

      "Ouch." SilverDragon said, and then fainted.

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • Rawzer, in a another part of town (assuming we're on a planet), hears a distant rumble.

      "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod...OH NO!!!"

      The destruction of two walls from Boozarama caused the entire place to collapse. Fire fighters arrive and pull out the barely living bodies of Silver Dragon and Ultimate Rebel.

      U.R. gets up, and looks at his now-ruined bar. He then walks over to S.D. (who has also just gotten up) and strangles him. Rawzer stops him saying:

      "Hey, woah, whoa. I'll get this place up and running in no time. I AM a multi-millionaire."

      U.R. stops strangling S.D.

      "You'd do that for me? For FREE?"

      "Well, free for you. And hey, I probably love this place more than you do!"

      S.D. "There, now everyone's happy!"

      Rawzer looks at S.D. with a scowl. Then strangles him.

      "This is for ruining my favorite bar AND cheating me out of 50,000 credits!"

      U.R. "Uh, better make that 100,000" then, to himself, "Heh, heh"

      P.S. No hard feelings to Silver Dragon.

      "If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended ... umm ... something something." -Puck

    • The next day RZ's stocs crash and he becomes poor as a bum and cannot pay for the repares of the bar.

      RC strolls down the street(with 2 armed ecourts) he sees the half renevated Bar (which he spontetuesly likes,He He) and decides to walk in. In the right corner we see RZ sleeping on a bench with several piles of neatly staked beers and in the left SD painfully (nervously) rubbing his neck. In the middle we see a large alien which is strangling UR. RS's escourts hop into action killing the large animal. UR loudly falls to the floor but seems noy to have bin hurt (thanks to RC). RC offers to pay for the reconstruction (since hes a billionare). UR says "Youre the best rebel council!"

      No aliens were killed in this reanactment!
      Rawzer regained his fortune but he was too late to fix the Bar!

      if it dosent doesn't
      squiel its not worth

    • RC comes to the bar two weeks later and says" HEY! How much money did I spend for this bar to be empty!"

      if it dosent doesn't
      squiel its not worth

    • SilverDragon blows the bar up, strangles Rebel Council, replaces the bar by
      another one - one WITHOUT walls and instead opaque forcefields.

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.