there is this plug where you get a system with the cazas government and some outfits
and it wont let me go to the planet. How do I get there
there is this plug where you get a system with the cazas government and some outfits
and it wont let me go to the planet. How do I get there
I'm starting to despair here... please attempt to use punctuation and a semi-coherent sentence structure. Your posts are appallingly difficult to understand.
Giving us the name of the plugin would really help, to start with.
(url="http://"")mazca(/url), mazca, king of pork
He is not a fundamentalist jew
As hard as that is to believe
EV Plug-in is the name and y wont it let me go to the planet??????????????????????????????
well mazca?!
I have never heard of an EV plugin called "EV Plug-in", and hence I'm unable to help. Please stop demanding that people help you - people are here for their own enjoyment, not to provide you with a 24-hour support service.
(url="http://"")mazca(/url), mazca, king of pork
He is not a fundamentalist jew
As hard as that is to believe
"If life gives you a lemon, wing it right back, and add some lemons of your own."
-Bill Watterson
(url="http://"")Enigma(/url) <-- The best online game ever.
(This message has been edited by EVWeb (edited 05-18-2004).)
ya yer right ill only post wen i have to or to help some one
And try to spell correctly. It's very annoying to see badly spelled words.
"If life gives you a lemon, wing it right back, and add some lemons of your own."
-Bill Watterson
(url="http://"")Enigma(/url) <-- The best online game ever.
ya this is teh thing it doesnt take vry lng 2 type out a mesage on a weboard so plz use proper punctuation and gramma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????
as 4 yor q i dont reely now since i dnt play taht plug
(url="http://"")blorktronics software forum: help save a starving webboard!(/url)
(url="http://"")Solar System(/url)|(url="http://"")Solar Quiz(/url)|(url="http://"")Fribbles!(/url)|(url="http://"")|(url="http://"")NEW! this is your random(/url)|(url="http://"")blarg(/url)
Official member of the Elitist Git Party
Originally posted by Zax:
**ya this is teh thing it doesnt take vry lng 2 type out a mesage on a weboard so plz use proper punctuation and gramma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????
as 4 yor q i dont reely now since i dnt play taht plug
You certainly are a fine example of the British educational system zax :D, maybe you've spent too long looking at a certain picture, involving a certain 4 legged creature's head
" Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out an remove all doubt "
- Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865
Yahoo ID: The_Lektor | Msn: | AIM: Lektor228
Fun as it may be, please try and refrain from personal attacks.
(url="http://"")mazca(/url), mazca, king of pork
He is not a fundamentalist jew
As hard as that is to believe
Originally posted by Mazca:
I have never heard of an EV plugin called "EV Plug-in", and hence I'm unable to help.
I almost wet myself laughing when I read this sentence. I think I need more sleep.
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Please don't write out of the space.