Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Jimbob fills a bag with empty soda cans, swings it around really fast, hitting Mac in the face. He then runs behind his soda can wall and takes out a huge soda gun, and doses all the bar members with Pepsi.

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    • Trogdor, takes 75% of the ammunition he built up and puts it into his machine gun, and takes the other 25% and builds three connecting walls around him and his machine gun, each wall has two holes in it, to fire with the machine gun, Trogdor then gets a big H bomb and throws it at plexrom, so plexrom gets blown away and his legs get blown off so he cant walk

      Excuses are like armpits, everybody has em and they stink.

      (This message has been edited by Trogdor (edited 08-12-2003).)

    • Plexrom and all his men tried to put him back together again, but they got hungry and ate him instead.

      <Insert Clever Saying Here>
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    • Plexrom is the liquid goo guy in Terminator 2 and pieces himself together. The lights Trogdor and Jimbob on fire. Followed by a nice put into a vat of burning oil.

      Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

    • RC is amune to any type of pepci attack.

      RC tryes to pull off another bar destroying ploy, he puts a one tone brick of cheese in the middle of the bar, and then floods the bar the pepci. The cheese naturally attracts mice and rats, but they can't swim in pepci so they drown, the acid in the pepci burns the flesh and fur of the helpless creaures. So in conclution, the bar is full of dead and decaying rats and mice. Enjoy.

      "... it's just that I don't like doing work, so..."
      "my presence here is strictly ornamental..."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by rebel council:
      **RC is amune to any type of pepci attack.

      The acid in the pepci burns the flesh and fur of the helpless creaures. So in conclution, the bar is full of dead and decaying rats and mice. Enjoy.


      Actually coke and pepsi is not all that acidic. I think slightly lemon juice is more acidic(I'm not sure about that part).

      Oh, by the way

      Tuskawillamac nukes Swizerland and it's tiny stupid army.
      He laughs and plays his violin on the high swiss alps watching.

      Tuskawillamac rips the Trogdor's and Jimbobs wall out of it's foundation and blenders it to a fine dust. Tuskawillamac has his two Counter Strike guys (pg. 13, 2nd post)raid Trogdor of his gun and ammunition. Tuskawillamac melts it (for scrap metal) to repair his acid-logged spaceship. Tuskawillamac flys it high above the bar for mabey a couple days after today.

      (url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url)

      (This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 08-13-2003).)

    • Then he nukes it again,

      Posted Image

      and again.

      Posted Image

      (url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url)

    • trogdor takes out his secret bazooka and shoots down macs acid space shuttle or whatever it is, and it crashes in to Jimbob Jimbob gets blown to china.

      Excuses are like armpits, everybody has em and they stink.

    • Plexrom Flys to China to get jimbob just because he ;likes mutilating him. He takes Jimbob back to the bar in his lamborghini, and throws Jimbob into Trogdor. Plexrom then hogties them both and throws them into a new vat of burning oil.

      Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

    • Quote

      Dude tusky, dont use pictures! Put links to the pictures. If we want to look at them, well click on the link.

      Unreal wonders how tusky got out of the 'cliff of doom.' Oh well. Unreal rips the weaves off tusky, who is now in so much pain, its funny. Unreal throws him through the regenerator and down the clif again.

      -Unreal Centipede
      Need a minor plugin made? Email me! (url="http://"")

    • the vat of boiling oil has no affect on trogdor, so he gets his pocket knife out of his back pocket and cuts him and jimbob loose, then jimbob and trogdor tie plexrom up to his lamborghini, and duck tapes 50 grenades to it an runs it off a cliff.

      Excuses are like armpits, everybody has em and they stink.

    • Plexrom is like whodidni and miracoulously escapes from the thing, and targets Trogdor. He gets Trogdor really drunk and then Plexrom Trogdor and johnny Macinroe, trash the town. Plexrom then hits Trogdor over the head with a tennis racket, and blows him up.

      Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

    • once trogdor blows up he pieces him self back to together and throws plexrom into the acid pit

      Excuses are like armpits, everybody has em and they stink.

    • UR blows him up again. 😛

      "Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
      -Ultimate Rebel

    • Plexrom accidently regenerates as a superhuman. Well actually it is just UR and Plexrom, but they go and blow up the whole world, and burninate Trogdor.

      Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

      (This message has been edited by Plexrom (edited 08-14-2003).)

    • How can you burninate Trogdor, hes the burninator, and + Trogdor was already blown up. Trogdor comes back to life, again, Takes out his bazooka and fires at UR and Plexrom, and they both blow up into a billion pieces.

      Excuses are like armpits, everybody has em and they stink.

    • oh, and + Plexrom was in the acid pit, so....

      Excuses are like armpits, everybody has em and they stink.

    • Posted Image

      SORRY...I couldn't help it.

      (url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url)


      Unreal stabs tusky in the heart with a spork. Unreal hides behind his soda bottle wall.

      -Unreal Centipede
      Need a minor plugin made? Email me! (url="http://"")

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Unreal Centipede:
      **(rant to tusky)NO PICTURES! IT FREEZES UP DIAL-UP CONNECTIONS(/rant)

      Unreal stabs tusky in the heart with a spork. Unreal hides behind his soda bottle wall.


      Hey is I have non-conductive metal armour how can you stab me with a plastic spork... Oh well Tuskawillamac picks UC up and dips him lightly into the acid pit, then the phospheric acid dunking tank then throws him down the cylic hole (the one where Jimbob fell through the skylight)

      Posted Image

      (url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url)

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