If the war did end, who would win? And why?
If the war did end, who would win? And why?
Originally posted by da hAkCer:
**If the war did end, who would win? And why?
You should have put "n/t" at the end of the title. Would have saved you time. Anyway, most of the people here are siding with the Rebels. I, however, am a Confed, and am proud of it! The Confederation would win for these reasons:
()a) Better ships
() They control more space than the Rebels
(*)c) They're more organized than the Rebels.
AIM - Skyblade500
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Because they have more econmic muscle and therefore more funds for technology and weapons.
Originally posted by da hAkCer:
**If the war did end, who would win? And why?
I would say the rebels won. They basically started off with the same technology since the rebels split from the confederation. Also as for having a larger space that just means the rebels have more targets, and the confederation would have to spread it forces while the rebels could protect there space better because it's smaller
The brave are always the first to die.
The rebellion, but it would take a while. Why? Simple.
1. The rebellion has much more cost-effective ships. (I would say better, but somebody might argue that.)
2. The rebellion is free to expand; any expansion of the confederation would involve a major offensive against independant worlds, which would strengthen the rebellion.
3. People fighting for freedom can win just by making it too expensive for the would be opressor to continue the war. I believe that the rebellion is well beyond that point, and actually presents a serious threat to the existance of the Confederation.
4. But it will take a while, because the Confederation has an enormous amount of resources. (proof: if they didn't, they would either be much more concerned with making their ships cost-effective, or stupid. The former obviously doesn't apply, and the latter implies a rebel victory anyway.)
(This message has been edited by Wyvern (edited 11-01-2000).)
The rebels would undoubtedly win. The reasons for this would be:
1. They have MUCH cheaper (moneywise only) ships.
2. As Wyvern said, they are free to expand.
3. They have gotten from nothing to a considerable force, so what would keep them from going further?
Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!
The Rebls would win, its VERY simple:
1. Cheaper ships.
2. More maneuverable ships.
3. Rebel Destroyer beats the Confed frigate every time.
4. Mantas make EXTREMELY DEADLY swarms, almost nothing can stand up to a swarm of about 4 or 6 Mantas. Mantas are also more maneuverable than both Confed Gunboats and Patrol ships.
5. Gunboats stink. I can take them out in a shuttlecraft with a laser cannon.
6. The Rebels have an excellent cause; Freedom. All the Confeds want to do is just enslave a bunch of people.
7. The Rebls have encircled the Confeds. Any move the Confeds make will involve an offensive against the Rebels or against Independent planets, which wouldn't look to good on CNN, the helpless Independent mitilia being blown to bits by big ugly Confed ships. No one would support them!
To Escape Velocity 3 and Beyond!
I thought both sides could come to some consensus through diplomatic means. Anyways,
why limit yourselves just to Rebels and Confederation, have you not played Pale?
"War is like love;It always finds a way" - Brecht
I would say the Confeds because in my opinion the Rebels are a bunch of evil wierdoes...well, they shot at me several times just for having a freighter the Confeds use...
Remember, I'm still watching you!
Co-Moderator of the Metal Gear Solid forum, the Suggestions forum and the UBB help forum @ Supercheats.com
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**The Rebls would win, its VERY simple:
6. The Rebels have an excellent cause; Freedom. All the Confeds want to do is just enslave a bunch of people.
VERY good point.
Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!
Originally posted by Big Brother GTi:
**I would say the Confeds because in my opinion the Rebels are a bunch of evil wierdoes...well, they shot at me several times just for having a freighter the Confeds use...
Here is the answer to that: As long as you are in a Confed ship, the Rebels will attack you. It has to do with which inherent government the ship has. However, I think there was this one guy who made a plug-in to counter-act that...
P.S. This question has been asked alot, and every time people have gotton really fired up at the other guys for liking the Confeds or Rebels or whatever.
To Escape Velocity 3 and Beyond!
REBELS all the way and here is why:
1-the cheaper, faster, and more well armed ships
2-they have a ring around the confeds effectivly causing a blockade(somewhat)
3-they are free to explore more of the galaxy and expand(back to the blockade thing again)
4-they may have more pirate problems, but the artemis group dispatches them(unfortunate they did when they were ready to strike confed worlds)
5-the more the confeds try to push outwords the more they will anger free worlds and send them into the rebels
6-though it will be argued the rebels need to play a mere defensive war, as long as they keep the confeds from expanding they can keep there strategic battle position
7-though confeds have some better weaponry it isnt used efficently
8-the rebels can and will use outlawed technology in there ships if they need to.(tritanium armor,space bombs)
9-the rebels can get there fighters out of the ship faster there for doing damage to the confeds a lot quicker
10-and finally :D(THERE JUST PLAIN BETTER)
A jedi's strengh flows through the force
luke do not underestimate the powers of the darkside
I have acepted that you were once Anakin Skywalker my father
young jedi only now do you truly understand the powers of the darkside
Originally posted by wraith:
**REBELS all the way and here is why:
10-and finally :D(THERE JUST PLAIN BETTER)
To Escape Velocity 3 and Beyond!
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Here is the answer to that: As long as you are in a Confed ship, the Rebels will attack you. It has to do with which inherent government the ship has. However, I think there was this one guy who made a plug-in to counter-act that...
Yes. Me. It's called Advanced EV (AEV).
(This message has been edited by Wyvern (edited 10-21-2000).)
First of all, I would like to make it absolutely clear that:
The Confeds will prevail!
Originally posted by wraith:
**REBELS all the way and here is why:
1-the cheaper, faster, and more well armed ships
The part about being "well armed" is not true when compared to Confed ships.
Originally posted by wraith:
**2-they have a ring around the confeds effectivly causing a blockade(somewhat)
Blockade them from what? The worlds that they dump toxic trash in? The Confed worlds are far richer than rebel worlds. The Confeds are self sufficient.
Originally posted by wraith:
**3-they are free to explore more of the galaxy and expand(back to the blockade thing again)
You already saw the whole galaxy. Other than the Confeds, rebels, independents, there are only pirates and dead worlds that are barely worth exploring.
Originally posted by wraith:
**4-they may have more pirate problems, but the artemis group dispatches them(unfortunate they did when they were ready to strike confed worlds)
You're forgetting that the Artemis Group was secretly funded from Confed coffers.
Originally posted by wraith:
**5-the more the confeds try to push outwords the more they will anger free worlds and send them into the rebels
And the more the rebels try to push inward, the more they will stiffen the resolve of Confed citizens to resist them. The people of the outer worlds will rejoice when the Confeds deliver them from the tyranny and incompetence of the rebellion.
Originally posted by wraith:
**6-though it will be argued the rebels need to play a mere defensive war, as long as they keep the confeds from expanding they can keep there strategic battle position
Rebel worlds are stretched too far apart. Therefore they are difficult to defend. The time necessary to traverse rebel territory is too long. That will be their strategic flaw.
Originally posted by wraith:
**7-though confeds have some better weaponry it isnt used efficently
Though rebels have some nice weapons, they're not too good at it either.
Originally posted by wraith:
**8-the rebels can and will use outlawed technology in there ships if they need to.(tritanium armor,space bombs)
And who do you think outlawed those technologies in the first place? Do you truly think that the Confeds will not use them as well?
Originally posted by wraith:
**9-the rebels can get there fighters out of the ship faster there for doing damage to the confeds a lot quicker
And that means... what exactly? In a one to one fight, the rebel cruiser gets pounded into submission all the time and the Mantas become space dust.
Originally posted by wraith:
**10-and finally:D (THERE JUST PLAIN BETTER)
The ragtag band of low-lives, thieves, and smugglers will be crushed by the Confederation.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**The Rebls would win, its VERY simple:
1. Cheaper ships.
I agree. Cheaper and more useless. Constructing them will be an excellent way of wasting rebel resources. Sending them fully staffed will be the best way to send the cream of the crop of the rebellion to be slaughtered like sheep by the Confeds.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**2. More maneuverable ships.
The mosquito may evade man for a while. But its situation is hopeless. It's trapped. It will be swatted in no time.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**3. Rebel Destroyer beats the Confed frigate every time.
And the Confed cruiser always sends its rebel equivalent to an inglorious end.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**4. Mantas make EXTREMELY DEADLY swarms, almost nothing can stand up to a swarm of about 4 or 6 Mantas. Mantas are also more maneuverable than both Confed Gunboats and Patrol ships.
Yes. The problem being that rebel pilots are idiots. All the Confed gunboats have to do is wait till they come towards them, then they fire that rocket of their's and their primary weapon and the Manta will become so many pieces of debris.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**5. Gunboats stink. I can take them out in a shuttlecraft with a laser cannon.
Good for you. The only problem is there is only a few of you. Other Manta pilots aren't so bright. They'll keep on wasting rebel resources until the rebellion surrenders.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**6. The Rebels have an excellent cause; Freedom. All the Confeds want to do is just enslave a bunch of people.
Never underestimate the force and determination to enslave other people.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**7. The Rebls have encircled the Confeds. Any move the Confeds make will involve an offensive against the Rebels or against Independent planets, which wouldn't look to good on CNN, the helpless Independent mitilia being blown to bits by big ugly Confed ships. No one would support them!
First of all, you're assuming that CNN exists then. (Considering that they've lost 50% of their audience, I won't bet on it.) Second of all, you're assuming that the Confeds care about what CNN shows.
People don't necessarily support others because the others are nice people. People usually support the side that will win.
As for the bit about encircling, read my response to wraith's point 2.
Originally posted by Talos:
**I thought both sides could come to some consensus through diplomatic means.
Oh yes. The Confeds will lure the rebel leadership to a meeting place. Once they got there, they'll be mowed down by Confed troops, thus eliminating the rebel leadership immediately and splintering the rebellion.
Long Live the Confederation!
"Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam"
You always come up with great arguements, I completely agree with your arguements, also the problem about the rebels encircling the confeds, while doing sdo they are also spreading their forces too thin and leaving them open to attack.
Just wait till I post "Long Live the Rebellion!". In that plug the Confeds will be nothing compared to the superior Rebel vessels!!
P.S. Rebel ships are not "useless" and a drain on Rebel resources! Rebel ships are just easier to be built, but still just as deadly!!
To Escape Velocity 3 and Beyond!
If they are better, then how come they usually get whipped. The only Rebel ship I ever see win in one on one is the Destroyer when it attacks first.
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Here is the answer to that: As long as you are in a Confed ship, the Rebels will attack you. It has to do with which inherent government the ship has. However, I think there was this one guy who made a plug-in to counter-act that...
P.S. This question has been asked alot, and every time people have gotton really fired up at the other guys for liking the Confeds or Rebels or whatever.
I already know that. I've been playing EV and EVO for a very long time. Anyway, I still hate the Rebels. They seem somewhat vague and seem evil to me. I mean, look, wouldn't you find whackos in red painted ships evil?
Remember, I'm still watching you!
Co-Moderator of the Metal Gear Solid forum, the Suggestions forum and the UBB help forum @ Supercheats.com
Originally posted by Big Brother GTi:
**I already know that. I've been playing EV and EVO for a very long time. Anyway, I still hate the Rebels. They seem somewhat vague and seem evil to me. I mean, look, wouldn't you find whackos in red painted ships evil?
All people who follow the rebellion are wackos who fly around in wacko ships with wacko paint jobs. The confed ships look SOOOO much nicer.
Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!