Just figured that someone might be interested to know, turns out, you CAN get the switch sides mission after gaining the particle beam. Significantly after, in fact. I gave up hopes for the Rebellion ages ago with this pilot, defeated the aliens with the confederation string and have been doing all the confed missions I can (in order to gain that extra mission thing, locating the Rebel fleet). I had dominated all the Independant planets, and all the Rebel planets aside from Satori, Turin, Clotho, and whatever one is to the right of Satori, and was in the middle of destroying yet another Jericon Weapons Convoy, when I stopped off in the Jayock Tavern. Next thing I know, I'm hauled off by the authorities

Whadda ya know. Hope I can still get the Tractor Beam and Cloaking Device.
Update: Hmm. I don't seem to be getting any missions, however. Maybe I made a mistake in finishing the Jericon mission after I switched sides. Does anyone here who's completed the switch side mission in the past remember how long it took before they started getting actual missions?
(This message has been edited by Thanotos (edited 09-03-2003).)