Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Starting the rebel storyline

      Sorry, it's probably just me being lazy (and most likley short-sighted) but i can't find the starting point for the rebellion story thread. From what i've read (and heard) it sounds quite good so any help from a non-newbie would be great πŸ™‚

      Life's like chinese
      food: it can be both
      sweet and sour.

    • The intro mission into the Rebel storyline is a shipping mission for the Rebels you'll pick up in a bar. Similar to the start of the Confed missions, but for the Rebels instead.

      I want to move north and be a Canadian
      Or hang down low with the nice Australians
      I donΒ’t want to be another 'I-donΒ’t-care-ican'
      What are we gonna do Franco, Franco Un-American

    • And isn't there a "switch sides" mission at some point?

      Or is that only in GS?

      It's funny until someone gets hurt.
      Then it's hilarious.

      (This message has been edited by Gus (edited 08-17-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Gus:
      And isn't there a "switch sides" mission at some point?


      (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")The Empire Trilogy(/url) | (url="http://";=EV+banter+|AMP|+brawl&number;=10")Something wicked, this way comes...(/url) |
      (url="http://"")omg im so l33t!!!11(/url)
      "Charming, your sister sounds like quite the catch!" ~Mek-Nificent7
      "...I guess my friendly persuation didn't make quite the lasting impression that my boots did." ~Zane Salazar

    • So, there's a 'switch sides' mission? Is there one to switch to the rebel side if you've already started the Confed missions too?

      What I'm really trying to get at is, can you get this switch sides mission after getting the particle beam, and then proceed through the Rebel missions to get the Tractor beam and Cloaking device? :S


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Thanotos:
      So, there's a 'switch sides' mission? Is there one to switch to the rebel side if you've already started the Confed missions too?

      That's the only switch mission. I don't think you can get it after getting the Particle Beam.

      (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")The Empire Trilogy(/url) | (url="http://";=EV+banter+|AMP|+brawl&number;=10")Something wicked, this way comes...(/url) |
      (url="http://"")omg im so l33t!!!11(/url)
      "Charming, your sister sounds like quite the catch!" ~Mek-Nificent7
      "...I guess my friendly persuation didn't make quite the lasting impression that my boots did." ~Zane Salazar

      (This message has been edited by -esw-dragoon_77 (edited 08-21-2003).)

    • What is the switch mission though? I don't believe I've ever encountered it. In any event, I just got the particle beam, I'm going to keep trying to get the rebel missions now, but based on previous experiences, I don't think I'll have much luck.


    • I think you get the switch mission on any Rebel spΓΆb. If you accept, you have to destroy a Confed Frigate to prove your allegiance to the Rebels. If you refuse, you're locked out of the Confed string anyway and you have to start a new pilot.

      (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")Escape Velocity Survival Guide(/url) | (url="http://"")The Empire Trilogy(/url) |
      (url="http://";=EV+banter+|AMP|+brawl&number;=10")Something wicked, this way comes...(/url) | (url="http://"")omg im so l33t!!!11(/url)
      "Charming, your sister sounds like quite the catch!" ~Mek-Nificent7
      "...I guess my friendly persuation didn't make quite the lasting impression that my boots did." ~Zane Salazar

    • Spob? I'll just assume that means the space port thingies. In any event, thanks, I'll keep looking πŸ™‚

      Now, here's one more question, if you still feel inclined to answer. I can't verify this myself, since I've only ever finished the alien quest on the Rebel side, and it seems somewhat unlikely, but I read somewhere that if you defeat the aliens in the confederate missions, you get access to the warships of both governments. Is this true?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Thanotos:

      Sorry, I have a tendency to use techncal terms that new guys don't understand. Spob is short for SP ace OB ject, which refers to any planet or station, both uninhabited and colonized.


      ...I read somewhere that if you defeat the aliens in the confederate missions, you get access to the warships of both governments. Is this true?


      (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")Escape Velocity Survival Guide(/url) | (url="http://"")The Empire Trilogy(/url) |
      (url="http://";=EV+banter+|AMP|+brawl&number;=10")Something wicked, this way comes...(/url) | (url="http://"")omg im so l33t!!!11(/url)
      "Charming, your sister sounds like quite the catch!" ~Mek-Nificent7
      "...I guess my friendly persuation didn't make quite the lasting impression that my boots did." ~Zane Salazar

      (This message has been edited by -esw-dragoon_77 (edited 08-22-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:

      ...I read somewhere that if you defeat the aliens in the confederate missions, you get access to the warships of both governments. Is this true?



      Didnt David Arthur say this all the time? That you can buy both the Confed and Rebel ships because of the higher techlevel at Luna?

      I am eager to try to answer mission questions

    • Well, what do you know. I just beat the aliens with the Confeds, and you CAN buy the warships of both governments. Fancy that πŸ™‚ Although I prefer the Rebel Cruiser, I went with the Confed one, since this is my Confederate at least. (I spent ages trying to get Rebel missions after the particle beam, but I guess you just can't get the particle beam, the tractor beam, and the cloaking device all together :frown: Ah well, I'll keep trying...sometime. If anyone has EVER managed otherwise, let me know :p)



    • Wow 😐 Just figured that someone might be interested to know, turns out, you CAN get the switch sides mission after gaining the particle beam. Significantly after, in fact. I gave up hopes for the Rebellion ages ago with this pilot, defeated the aliens with the confederation string and have been doing all the confed missions I can (in order to gain that extra mission thing, locating the Rebel fleet). I had dominated all the Independant planets, and all the Rebel planets aside from Satori, Turin, Clotho, and whatever one is to the right of Satori, and was in the middle of destroying yet another Jericon Weapons Convoy, when I stopped off in the Jayock Tavern. Next thing I know, I'm hauled off by the authorities πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

      Whadda ya know. Hope I can still get the Tractor Beam and Cloaking Device.


      Update: Hmm. I don't seem to be getting any missions, however. Maybe I made a mistake in finishing the Jericon mission after I switched sides. Does anyone here who's completed the switch side mission in the past remember how long it took before they started getting actual missions?

      (This message has been edited by Thanotos (edited 09-03-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
      Didnt David Arthur say this all the time?

      Since when am I in the past tense? πŸ™‚


      Originally posted by Thanotos:
      I read somewhere that if you defeat the aliens in the confederate missions, you get access to the warships of both governments. Is this true?
      Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
      That you can buy both the Confed and Rebel ships because of the higher techlevel at Luna?

      Yes, you can buy ships of both governments after you complete the Confederation missions. However, the rebel ships do ~not~ show up at Luna (that may be why -esw-dragoon_77 thinks you can't get them); you have to go to Luna for Confederation ships, and Palshife for rebel ships. And yes, it is possible to complete the Confederation string and still be allowed to land on Palshife.

      The reason you can buy ships of both governments stems from the mission bits set by the Destroy Alien Cruiser mission, not from Luna's tech level, and this feature does not work in reverse; rebels can't get the CR-1095. πŸ™‚

      David Arthur | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
      Truth! Justice! Freedom! And A Hard-Boiled Egg!

    • The first time I beat the Confed missions, I went to Palshife, and noticed that the rebel ships were available. I got a mass driver. Then I copied my pilot to look for the 'switch sides' mission. Could not get it.
      I had a strict play pilot and I got it after the partical beam mission, but I did not want it. I aborted it and got into big trouble. I blew up and that pilot disappeared.

      Destroyer E is the name of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

    • There's also a "switch sides" from Rebel to Confed. I know because I was playing as a Rebel, and was just 1 mission away from the Cloaking Device when I landed on Spica and was grabbed by Confed Marines who "converted" me. I was so annoyed by that.


    • Can you give exact statistics? The ID number of the mission, a briefing description, a accception description, and a success description. Because I have never seen it, only the Rebel one. You have been using a plug, I think.

      I am eager to try to answer mission questions

    • Quote

      Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
      **Can you give exact statistics? The ID number of the mission, a briefing description, a accception description, and a success description. Because I have never seen it, only the Rebel one. You have been using a plug, I think.


      I had to be a plug. The normal switch sides is ID 200, and I only saw one of them.

      Destroyer E is the name of my ship and the name has a good meaning.