- How is anyone supposed to complete a storyline where dozens (might as well be) of ships are attacking you at once? The game isn't sophisticated enough to be able to fend off that many at once at a beginners or novice level, fix it please! I bought 4 pirate fighters and a manticore as escorts to get a woman to an aur. planet to negotiate and had to restard the game DOZENS of times to get her their WITH THOSE ESCORTS, GIVE ME A BREAK. I hope the mac version isn't like windows because I don't see how anyone is enjoying this game, I am hating it.
Often you have about 10 ships sometimes popping up right next to you or speeding UNREALISTICALLY fast to your position and firing 50 missiles or railgun shots at you at once. I don't care what anyone thinks that is not reasonable, to have a playable game the odds have to match your ships performance. I spent hours and hour making a souped up Cambrian ship and it was such a let down, it's armor sucked like hell especially facing the unrealistic odds of fighting off dozens of little Aur. (I can't member how to spell it) fighters adn the Abomination ships AND the four carriers firing at you at once. I also have an extermely powerful Starbridge and its armor rating is huge and it is one of the fastest ships and even that doesn't survive multiple onslaughts without (boring) staying ahead of ships pursuiing you and killing them off, which doesn't always work if a bunch gang up on you). The problem is the ships don't have enough commands programmed into them to behave more realistically. They need to miss more otherwise how can you complete a story line? Here is an example of how stupid the game can be and frustrating. To get that woman who wants to negotiate with the aurs to the Aur. world you have to (note I'm a minor offender) you have to jump, then press M immediately select the next destination and jump asap. Guess what that hardly worked, why, the ships are right at the jumping point and more than 6 ships which later multiplies into a dozen or more it seems fire tons of weapons at you, GIVE ME A BREAK, that is so unrealistic and makes the game retarded. I had to hire FOUR PIRATE CARRIERS just to get her to the planet and screw around with bribing the planet to land which wouldn't always work and immediately have my ships attack the aurs, GUESS WHAT four pirate carriers hardly worked. I had to restart the launch seqeunce over and over and over and over until I finally landed on the planet. So please don't even tell me that is reasonable. It takes away from the game when you have to choose very specific ships and have massive amounts of credits to accomplish something. Now I am sure you will say you can abort the story line. OH JOY THEN WHATS THE POINT OF PLAYING? If you are a kid or brainless teen who just enjoys shooting at ships fine, but aborting storylines that hardly pop up? BORING.
- When I traveled away from hostile Aurs they follow you around, RETARDED, and if you fire at someone other than them they shoot at you even if that isn't there territory, talk about sickening it makes the game a bore, nonsensical, annoying and a bore seeing the same old ships bothering you and flitting around you like flies, people hardly act like in real life don't do that in the game please. Who is going to tell me it is realistic for the Aur. ships to know where you jumped to and be whereever you go? Sure maybe they have sensors to follow you around but please like a fly buzzing around you? No one does that, aliens in real life hardly do that they bug you and then go away, maybe probe your butt but then leave. In this game they flit around you nonstop or swamp you and kill you in 6 seconds unless you run for an hour if your trying to land somewhere or use a wormhole or gate, lame and arduous. Lets give the players some breathing room please. What the hell kind of ship are you using that can fend off 5 Aur. carriers right next to you and dozens, yes dozens of little ships of various sorts shooting at you without dying in 6 seconds? And using a Cambrian 3.5 mil credits! you die as soon a few missiles hit you from all directions, dying in a few seconds and to make it more sickening you have to wait 7 seconds listening to the annoying blow up sequence of that specific ships which sounds sickening and is a bore to watch after trying to complete a storyline over and over after the 30th+ time, you can't even escape the blow up sequence you have to watch it b4 restarting (makes you wanna hit whoever programmed that into the game). It just pulls you out of the game and turns it into a nerd fest trying to do the "impossible".
2. I hired a bunch of freighters on New Ireland, pop off the planet to be attacked by pirates and the freighters start attacking me, MY OWN FREIGHTERS, they weren't even stolen, I commanded them to fight and either that got them shooting at me or they just started off doing that. This game is messed up!
- On buying the fake exotic weapons license. Why doesn't int register once you buy it??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????I mean can't something pop up saying you pay for the licence but it is never sent to you. It isn't consistant to be able to purchase illegal weapons and get them but then not the licence, it dissapears or never registers! and without anything popping up to let you know you never got it, sorry that seems like a bug whether it is intentional or not, it is just plain dumb and a massive time waster and I would even say offensive for some newbie or novice who doesn't have some sort of warning when clicking on it. And that's alot of money for a newbie or novice or someone with alot of escorts and barely able to afford them. The fact that you can't tell if it is deliberate or not makes seem like a bug. That is alot of money to spend and get no explanation for losing, and on top of it buying it again thinking it is a glitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks ambrosia! To make matters worse it isn't apparent whether or not you got it, you only find out later wondering what happened. It's confusing not realistic.
Someone said this to me on another message for where I posted my complaints: "There are two Exotic Weapons Forged Licenses. If you buy one, you lose your money, and your license. If you buy the other, it works fine. And if you buy the real version of that license, you don't have to worry about it." My response:
"UM NO, I bought forged licesnes from every where they all dissappeared, are you using the Mac v.? Not only that lets say one does dissapear, why would the player then try and buy it from whereever else it works? That's just lame, if that was on purpose it was just lame how does that add to the story? Hey guys if you buy the forged licence at so and so it shows up but if you buy it from here it doesnt. That just seems more like a bug intentional or not."
I'd like to note I can't exactly remember if I bought them from everywhere but why would you want to do it again from anywhere else after it didn't work from the first place and after second time? UGH!!!!!!
4. Cab we get some read me file for the game please with instructions on what keys do what and for what products, I only find out later and maybe learn how to use the afterburner. You shouldn't have to go online or poke around forums or email ambrosia for the instuctions, Barry does a crappy job that's for sure. Spare us adults from pressing every key on the keyboard like idiots.
5. Wormholes need to be easier to find, provide a wormhole sensor at one obscure base or wherever please, and in the storyline (for newbies) you could say you may not find anything and they might not exist. Not trying to be a spoiler, it's already mentioned on one cool site so no one bother me about ruining the surprise, besides it deserves ruining after the stupid programming that got me killed running away for an hour trying to use it and then unable to find it. The arrow pointed to no where once I locked onto it and once I got to the wornhole the arrow dissapeared and pointed to a new place (thanks ambrosia). Ok so the wormhole is an egg as one annoying man pointed out, big deal so that means your not allowed to ask for sensor for it? Please.
6. The game is unrealistically hard, in fact unplayable for all but obsessives and no lifers for intents and purposes. No it isn't my problem and ambrosia's if they really want this to be a money maker, it is everyone's problem who has 20 ships firing a continuous stream of weapons at you when you successfully bribe a planet or not to land, yeah ok so the people firing on you might not know you bribed the dockmasters but THEY KNOW WHERE YOU JUMP TO ALL THE TIME! IN THE GAME? Give me a break new or not that's stupid. If you make a storyline make it able to be completed not something you can only do with an army of pirate carriers and 20 million credits and restarting for the fiftieth time.
7. Great I find out there are other products to make crappy ships or a 3.5 mil cambrian I'm hoping playable, but let me guess, you have to complete storylines you can't survive to get them, am I right? How stupid, how about finding them BEFORE you have the possibility of getting them, doesn't that make more sense!? Duh?! I've played the equivalent of 3 months, if you can't find something by then it's just retarded, I dare not ask how long anyone else has been playing to get this shield modifier of heard of, some of us have a life...
8. Armor stats: In the shipyard description it shows the armor level, in your secondary desription it says 100% or whatever level it's at. And it is pretty annoying to buy armor and not see how much that increases your armour rating in the numbers as opposed to seeing just that it is at 100% or not. If you don't want to see your armour level well that's you, not me. Please spare us players and crappy mathematicians any paper work, I'd like to stay in the game rather do some statistical calculations on paper.
9. Cargo and free space is displayed poorly. It would be better to simple put it this way:
Cargo Space: 34
In use: 25
Free Mass: 100 (or whatever)
In use: 100
Now you can't tell me that ,y way isn't more easily understood or well layed out.
10. Someone told me after I complained about escort control: "You can give specific commands to your different classes of ships, so that your cargo ship will hang back while your warships attack." That I already knew and it is crappy anyway and there are no instructions in the game saying how to do this anyways, and as far as I can tell it is automatic. Wouldn't it be better to be a able to click on an escort and press f, etc. that pull up the the other way and toggle down or up, and by the way I can't figure that out, no instructions provided, another key masher, lame.
11. Mind making an asteroid composition sensor? Who wants to chase asteroids and find out what's in them or if the place has different types, which I surely am not goingo to bother to find out, talk about tedium.
12. Where is the EV Nova guide I've heard about? Be nice if it was part of the game, forget Barry. Barry telling me to press keys? Ruins getting into the game, put the instructions somewhere else either able to pull them up while playing or in a read me file, lose Barry please or whatever that dorks name is!
13. Wouldn't it be nice if yuor ships computer could remember the selling price of the goods traded? Hello???? Why does it only remember what is traded, again spare the players having to remember tedium or turn to paper waste.
14. Solar panels need to be able to charge shields not just propulsion if it does you can't tell, same with the fission reactors, and by the way by the time we have empires on different planets like that fission would be the last thing anyone would be using, be more creative please or employ me for items to purchase ideas.
15. The rate at which a fission r. or solar panel increase your prop. or shield charge needs to be displayed, and ALSO whether or not the battery adds to your shield charge WHICH IT SHOULD, it's a battery.
16. For people who are going to be pirates or use the expensive ships for defense, the cost is to great for the life or use you get out of them. The location of Tichel to the Aur. world where you need to drop off the woman for negotians is to far for the money needed to accomplish the mission. For what might as well be 30 ships attacking you at once and as soon as you show up in their space you might as well not include that storyline. Star Trek is a good example of balance, in the show you don't usually get killed as soon as you go to warp or stop, do they, they do it so you can get into the story line as well as make money (duh). The makers of ev nova are also trying to make money and get you into the story line, otherwise they wouldn't have made the game as good as it is, I'm sure they wan't you to enjoy the game and have a chance to complete the story lines without simply being a blow up those ships and restart the game in 1 minute player.
17. Aur. infighting, the problem is the various houses ships are not distinguished visually, and for the game to make more sense or more understandable the ships should be distinguished. Did you notice the rebel gov ships are distinguished from the fed ships but almost exactly alike with some exceptions, why? Hmmmm maybe so that you can tell the gov's apart? It would be good to distinguish the different houses ships, that way when one attacks the other it doesn't seem like one of their pilots has decided to go nutty or postal (which happen's pretty often), which makes the game seem more unrealistic yet.
18. No saucer shaped ships, hmmm, please add saucers, unfortunately butt probing aliens are real, so I'd like to see those kind in the game, they are as real as humans.
19. Online environment please, or multiplayer online gaming would be nice, and the ability to join various govs or orgs would be cool. Get's boring playing solo.
20. I think it would be nicer to see that glossy look put into all the ships instead of just the shipyard, planet, etc. displays even if it means increasing the ships' sizes, the Cambrian is pretty visually interesting, but still boring after a while, shadow effects are really needed in this game or recommended in relation to where stars are in the game, and by the way where the stars anyway? There's only one I think. To get more detail into the ships would be awsome, or make customazations to their appearance in various customization shops. They look to puny and boring. I know that was intentional to some extent but it makes the game more boring than it needs to be, if your going to make a ship look wimpy and boring that's fine but I suggest making it at least insteresting enough while using not simply an outright bore or something that quickly get's old to look at.
This game is really good but not very playable for what was obviously intended, if the hundreds of ships attacking you (and espcially in an all directions every time you lift off from a planet) or jump was removed or made much less difficult, the game would be playble, right now it is still in beta really, whoever the beta testers ambrosia used weren't very helpful. Just shows how much the programmers need to try out their own work rather then really on others to tell them if that is what they did. Unless you are willing to put up with wasting ALOT of time and a huge amount of tedium don't bother with this game.
It could be made much better with more variety and ship classes and ship upgrades, especially ship specific upgrades, for example a laser only compatible with the software for a pirate viper, etc. It would also be more realstic or interesting if aur. ships of different houses HELPED YOU out to fend off other houses that are trying to murder you rather than everyone deciding to gang up on the outsider. It would also be more interesting to be able to get technology from planets that you land on, for example there could be a scan teh surface of a planet for tech or minerals. You could hire miners and mining equipment as opposed to or in addition to a marine platoon. It would also be better if you could have a weapon that was smart enough to hit any ship near you so that you arn't frantically pressing the corner key to target one of any of up to 5 little ships of whatever sort attacking you from all directions (who can survive that bs). Ok so to make the game interesting you could make the weapn not so powerful, but trying to target individual ships of many numbers to fend them off isn't realistic or very playable, by the time you fend off one small ship your dead. If you spend all your time making a great ship how good is it if you have to buy another ship to survive it sucks if you spent hours and hours gathering the specific technology you wanted for the ship only to have to buy another ship to survive the unreasonable onslaughts which I'm sure was an oversight. It would be hard to program into the game but there could be specific options to swap out technology from what ship to another, I'm sure that would be a pain to pgram into the game and some extensive work but it would be worth it for the return.
The ability to able to pull up the stats of individual ships and make specific upgrades to them.
To be able to sell the laser on the wild geese lighting at the place you bought it rather than some obscure far away station just to get rid of the mass it's taking up which that ship barely has.
I already mentioned this but if any ship is going to have specific tech upgrades at least the bioships, it doesn't make sense that you could retrofit various technologies for metal ships onto those bioships, it would be good if there were a good deal of bioship specific technology for the game to make more sense.
be good if there were alot more bases and shops in the same place you are in, perhaps far away like wormholes offering (higher?) prices for various tech then spending what might take an hour just to get say gravimetric missiles.
When you take off from a planet your shields and armor are replenished but not your propulsion energy (what? why? the game is hard enough as it is already).
The up and down and side controls should be mirrored to the ones on the far right of the keyboard allowing diagonal movement not just left right up down.
The ability to manuever the direction of your ship by pressing down on it with the mouse and dragging it to whatever direction you drag it to rather than having to rely on the keys. It would be good to have two settings for the game, real time and sequence, One where you can fire for a certain duration or certain amount of missiles lets say, and then the computer takes its turn, sort of like Baulder's Gate. Or the messy real time one where you get killed intantly :frown:
The ability to send out a distress signal to get a ship to come to your aid rathen than waiting an hour or so for someone to come alond and help you if anyone is even around.
A bribe key to make it easier to survive rather than frantically looking for the key to press while being shot at or about to be slaughtered. And the ability to bribe all attacking ships not just one.
The ability to change the key control settings in the preferences, rather then really on the akward presets.
Option to conquer various places even if takes millions and millions of credits, and to leave the ships you hired there to defend or maintain the money you make from whereever you conquered.
Option to have ships attack any ship that attacks you upclose rather then poorly trying to take the shots for you, and the option to have other ships attack ships attacking for a far away (secondary) perimeter.
I can't figure out a way to do that if there is a way let me know, it's lame and useless anyway when so many ships attack you and so quickly, by the time a command a ship to do anything I'm dead, lame.
There should be way to have the illegal ion cannon and or turrets auto fire at any shops within attacking range (so it doesn't get confused by far away ships attacking you) that way ships with ****ty armor liek the cambrian and which are slow have a chance to jump to the next wherever. Especially good when you are facing an onslaught.
There should be a random jump key so that you arnt frantically trying to escape and about to die.
Most important, just put all these damn keys onto the panel, damnit. The game is hard enough as it is and unfair and then you miss the damn keys trying to survive a million missiles coming hitting you as soon as you end up in the next place. Damnit.
The Cambrian panel is ugly, no offernse, it doesn't match the 3d style of the panel it is on and doesn't have enough colors, and it's just plain ugly and doesn't resemble the ship it is trying to match.
If you abort a story line because everyone is trying to kill you for it (aborting barely saves you even if you do abort
) there should be a storyline that makes it so that you can take up the mission again like the characted could ask if you would like to take her or him up on their offer or not.
Well all this minutia has sapped the enjoyment out of the game for me, hopefully all my advice will be used and the others who take up this game won't ever have to wish for this stuff. Unless I can go online and play this game in a more realistic and playable environment I'm thru with it.
I understand alot of time and effort was put into this game, I know the programmers have a life too, but I would like to see their hard work pay off, or more than it could.
I figured out the x2 thing... my bad.
If you don't need to complete storylines to get this tractor beam I've heard about or shield booster someone mind telling me where to get them or how? :frown: I love my Cambrian. Also if I didn't mention this, storylines that were aborted; it would be nice if you were prompted to take up the missions again rather than it repeating for more realism, I noticed the cujon or whatver hunt repeated when I failed to attend to it after a while and had't aborted it by the way, but whether or not that was a glitch I am not sure since no other storyline did that.
It would be nice if you could scroll up or down on storylines with the mouse wheel, or products for sale with the arrow keys and if all the display panels corresponed to key letters like where it says close not just some, it's how it works on only some.
If I havn't mentioned this already the cambrian panel stinks, I hear you can change it with the plug-in, I'll see.
What's the deal with no periods at the end of planet and base descriptions? Weird.
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