Hi, I have a few things
-this telepath stuff is all well and good, but will I ever get the ship I had back? It was a pretty nice and upgraded one.
-How long before I can "free" myself and become a normal space traveler?
Hi, I have a few things
-this telepath stuff is all well and good, but will I ever get the ship I had back? It was a pretty nice and upgraded one.
-How long before I can "free" myself and become a normal space traveler?
Wrong Board.
This is supposed to go to the nova board, not the Escape Velocity Web Board.
(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=26&SUBMIT;=Go")click here for the nova board(/url)
This topic should be moved there soon ...
As to what you're asking, you'll never get your ship back. ever. And besides, you really won't need it ... you'll see, the vellos ships can be more powerful than most other civilian ships you'll be able to buy.. As to length, it all depends on how far into the storyline you are.
Also - try not to use the words 'wtf' in your post. its generally looked down on.
Zombat: everything you don't need and then some
(This message has been edited by Admiral Zombat (edited 07-14-2003).)
thanks, and sorry about the subject line
Your ship is gone, but you can buy it again and remod it, that's the price you pay for being a telepath. You have to pursue the Vell-os mission string in order to 'be free.' You do learn how to make better ships, though. While you start the string with a Dart, you eventually acquire an Arrow and later on a Javelin while learning new techniques all the time. If you really want, you can ResEdit your pilot to get your old ship/mods back, but I recommend the mission string, it's quite fun.
BTW-This is the Escape Velocity: Classic board. The board for Nova is the one that says it is.