You're right, :frown: it is, well if anyone else is listening to this post please reply to this post. Well, anyway I hope you like it General Cade Smart.
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
You're right, :frown: it is, well if anyone else is listening to this post please reply to this post. Well, anyway I hope you like it General Cade Smart.
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
Originally posted by EVWeb:
**You're right,:frown: it is, well if anyone else is listening to this post please reply to this post. Well, anyway I hope you like it General Cade Smart.
Ill see it when I get the plug (You didnt send it to my mailbox to be tested), but I guess I like it as it has a original idea. Not much plugs have Lethe-Cydonian war. The only other plug I know is Pale.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
To: General Cade Smart
Go to my website, and go to the bar. Then download it. Oh and Empire has a sideline story for it.
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
Originally posted by EVWeb:
**To: General Cade Smart
Go to my website, and go to the bar. Then download it. Oh and Empire has a sideline story for it.
Thanks a bunch! >warm smile> I dont know what you mean by Empire though. Is this a goverment you have not told me, with a minor storyline? You should updated your Mission Computer section and put where it starts and the offer dialog so I know. Just like the intro missions for Lethe and Cydonia. 0.1. Hmm, seems you have a lot of work left and this is the first public release. Why are you using To:? Is this a E-Mail program?
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
I'm talking about the Empire Triogly. It has a Lethe/Cydonian Story Line. Anyway I did that to make it look like you are in mission control.
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
(quote)Originally posted by EVWeb:
**I'm talking about the Empire Triogly. It has a Lethe/Cydonian Story Line. Anyway I did that to make it look like you are in mission control.;).
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
I have updated it! It now has a finished Cydonian storyline, a new ship and other cool stuff.
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
Originally posted by EVWeb:
**I have updated it!:p It now has a finished Cydonian storyline, a new ship and other cool stuff.
Yea, the Advanced Clipper. It looks cool, but as both the ship and the info are gifs, I cant click them. Fix them so I can see the stats. Also, after clicking Mission Computer I cant select Lethe or Cydonian, so fix them so I can see a mission list. They are again gif, make them html link so it works. :mad:
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
Sorry, but those aren't gifs, they are jpegs but they don't have links yet.
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
Originally posted by EVWeb:
**Sorry, but those aren't gifs, they are jpegs but they don't have links yet.:p
Looks like you have the links for Cydonian ships now. I would like the Lethe ships too. And the mission lists too. When can you do them?
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
(This message has been edited by General Cade Smart (edited 03-17-2003).)
Maybe Wednesday. I don't have much time this week. :frown: Well anyway, did you download the new version of the addon?
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
Originally posted by EVWeb:
**Maybe Wednesday. I don't have much time this week.:frown: Well anyway, did you download the new version of the addon?
OK, Ill wait to Wednesday. Why not much time? Got a lot to do and if that, what? No, I didnt download the newest version. In fact, I havent downloaded any version at all. I spent most of the week betatesting the new patch to Bombs plug, F-25 2.0, 2.01. Given to only me and Kauthor, it boasts loads of fixes to 2.0, and I will play and fix the remaining bugs.
P.S. 1000 posts! In only 6 and half months! Now I am truly a active member, making it along the other actives. I should make a millenial ceremonia, like in Civ II.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
Then what is the point? I may as well give up on this add-on. :frown:
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
Originally posted by EVWeb:
**Then what is the point? I may as well give up on this add-on.:frown:
You were offended? Sorry. But when Bomb annnounced he will make a new version, I volunteered. Ofcourse I wanted a loads of bug fixes. And to finally make F-25 bugless. You dont believe how much bugs it had in 1.4, even in 2.0. Plus, Bomb is famous. He has written a plug-in guide, and 4 plug-ins which are accepted to be some of the best ever written: Reign of the Voinians, Reign of the Voinians II, F-25, F-25 2.0. So my weekend was gone basically playing 2.01 beta. But if say you will give up, ofcourse I will test it next time I get the chance. But seeing as I have my Mac located with my dad, and I can meet him only every two weekends, you will have to wait until March 28 th. If you promise you wont give it up, I will test next time I get the chance.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
Sorry, but you will have to wait one more day. I have lots of HW for English( a long term project that I should have worked on sooner ). Anyway, I will have some up tomarrow.
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
(quote)Originally posted by EVWeb:
**Sorry, but you will have to wait one more day. I have lots of HW for English( a long term project that I should have worked on sooner ).:p Thanks, ill wait. From the Cydonian ship descriptions I noticied it said New Cydonia. So they have a new planet? Does Lethe have a new planet too? And why didnt you say this first?
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
That is the name of the orginal planet GCS ( General Cade Smart ). Anyway, I'm done with the project so I might get some done.
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
(quote)Originally posted by EVWeb:
**That is the name of the orginal planet GCS ( General Cade Smart ). Anyway, I'm done with the project so I might get some done.:D I can finally select Lethe or Cydonia, but I cant select the mission. It doesnt have more than the beginning either. I can finally select the Lethe ships, thanks for that. It stil doesnt have any outfits guide. The Lethe A. Clipper is even more scary than the Cydonian Gunship. With insane amounts of primary weapons, it fires fast enough to rrrrip Alien Cruisers apart. :eek: With 4 Javelin launchers, it fires similarly insane fast, with four and half hundred Javelins. Ill skip the Javlins for Missiles though, as the Javelins are hard to aim. It has almost as much shields a Kestrel while having more armor. :eek:
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
GCS Javalins in Lethe/Cydonian Wars are guided
(url="http://"")EV Web(/url)
(quote)Originally posted by EVWeb:
**GCS Javalins in Lethe/Cydonian Wars are guided:D I get very fast firing, hundreds of ammo, AND guidance. You dont need to put so many exclamations or smilies though, I got it.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions