I'm using EVGE, I think it's a great plug, but I'm stuck in the alien system and can't get out! Help from anyone would be great! Thanks!
I'm using EVGE, I think it's a great plug, but I'm stuck in the alien system and can't get out! Help from anyone would be great! Thanks!
You must create a new pilot if you installed the plug before creating a new pilot. Its a bug.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
Did you start off in the Alien System or Did you get a mission to go to the alien system IF you started there, follow the generals advice and if not do a search for EVGE Alien mission help or something like that.
Have either of you played with the EVGE plug? I don't think it's a bug. I didn't start in the system or get a mission to go there, I just ventured in.
Originally posted by derekreid:
**Have either of you played with the EVGE plug? I don't think it's a bug. I didn't start in the system or get a mission to go there, I just ventured in.
I dont. Just what I read from boards forever ago. Just what I read from the boards forevern ago. Marjock I dont know. I think I read that just entering there causes the bug.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
The alien system is not a bug; it was meant to be a trap. If you get stuck, you're supposed to wait for some special Alien ship that you can hail (it should be marked with an asterisk, like Alien Mothership*, I believe, though I could be wrong). Hailing it starts the mission string that'll get you out.
However, if you did not start a new pilot (or use the included pilot file) before playing EVGE, this ship will not appear and you will be unable to get out, save using a pilot file editor or EV Warp (which will work in EVGE since the original systems are still there). Or if you have an escape pod, eject and you'll be back at Levo.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
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Although I am an EVN user I have just come back to EV for a while, just to remember what it felt like back then. Anyway EVNGE is what I have been looking for because I have now done all the interesting stuff in EV and am bored. I have searched the Add-ons page and for some reason cannot find it. Just an update (Which I got). Can someone give me a direct link the EVGE plug-in?
.sit happens!
Had a topic that was off topic and stopped but still want to continue? Come to (url="http://"http://nonevnrelatedtopics.upperboard.com/cgi-bin/hosted/nonevnrelatedtopics/upperboard.cgi")Steelix's Non-EVN Related Topics(/url) and at least try it?