Rules: 1. Any warship or fighter available may be used.
2. You may upgrade your ship as you see fit.
3. You may "tweak" your ship's stats/weapons' stats as much as you care (within
reason: no super-ships/super-weapons!) using Res-Edit (or whatever).
4. You may use any energy weapons available to you, but no impact/projectile
weapons will be allowed.
5. You can play either EVC (no plugs) or with plugs.
6. You may not use cheater plugs, other than "Lightning Jump" or "Levo Fix."
7. You may use a money cheat, in plug form or as a utility (like "EV Credits
8. You may use shipborne fighters (if you wish).
9. No dominating planets/stations unless you're actually ordered to.
If we can agree on a plug (E1...)to use, and which side to play, then we would all be on an "equal" footing.
Let's see how far we can go before being destroyed. Since some of us are using emulated PC's, we'll use the honor system in saying how far we got.
If anyone can add to/edit this, please let me know!
Have fun!
"Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted." --Fred Allen