How do get the Dark Fairy?
How do get the Dark Fairy?
Originally posted by seeso:
**How do get the Dark Fairy?
After you get the quest from Haldan (Sp?) you need to search to the North and East of the logging camp. Once you get to the right area, a note pops up on your screen with a message from the fairy. You then need to keep searching in that screen until you run across the fairy. Hit it with your weapon until you get another message saying you manage to catch it with the cage you got from Haldan. I don't know if it is necessary, but I then go into my outfits and activate the cage.
Also, you will need to have the awareness skill before you can catch the fairy.
Go back to Belgrum and see Haldan and he will then give you his hat as a reward. This outfit then will help you fight against mindbender monsters.
Hope the above helps.
Aha the awareness skill!
I don't have it yet...
Thanks a lot!!
What do you mean by "logging" camp? Is it Gwyden Camp?
Yup, he means Gwyden Camp. Wyrm Valley is in the ery Northeastern part of Garendall (look on your Kingdom Map), and the screen you want is directly North of the Wyrm Valley Entrance.Find the Dark Fairy; she'll be in a random place on the screen (I found her behind a tree). Fight her and you'll catch her automatically.
How do you get the awareness skill?
"Laughter is in the ears that hear"-The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
Find the North Gendolan (sp) Entrance, on the west coast slightly further north than Gendolan Keep. From there go southwest until you find the screen with the termite nest, and from there east 1. There will be a "getaway" place where you can sleep for free. On the same screen, in the southeast corner is a cave. You can get the awareness skill there, PROVIDED you bought Emilius' book from the theif instead of killing him earlier.
Originally posted by Lindley:
**Find the North Gendolan (sp) Entrance, on the west coast slightly further north than Gendolan Keep. From there go southwest until you find the screen with the termite nest, and from there east 1. There will be a "getaway" place where you can sleep for free. On the same screen, in the southeast corner is a cave. You can get the awareness skill there, PROVIDED you bought Emilius' book from the theif instead of killing him earlier.
The termite nests are too far south, its east of the North Gendolan (sp) entrance. but you do need to go south a bit to get past some trees for the path to the east.