Originally posted by jrosemartin:
**Thanks Frodo. But what about the Hypergate that was said to be offline, it was BloodstoneHG in this case? Just try later?
You must be using a plug-in. Unless you mean Blackthorne. Blackthorne you should be able to find. There is a chance that the plug-in has a bad link. If so you may not be able to get there. Tell us the contents of your plugins folder.
Wait...isn't there a hypergate in Bloodstone in EV Nova? Sounds like you are on the wrong board. Anyway in EVN Bloodstone is north of Sol. Turn left at Nesre Primus pass Capella, you can't miss it.
If you are instructed to land on the HG there is a problem (again I suspect a faulty plug-in). In Nova the map is really big so zoom out and scroll around looking for those destination arrows for the other missions you have trouble with.
Good luck.