Originally posted by Firebird:
**Well, I think I should probably apologize for promising to do something about this project that you half handed to me and that I sort of took credit for being the one to work on it, but it's also probably a good thing that you ultimately should be the person to finish it.
No need to apologize for anything. It's just a project to work on for the fun, it's not like you were paid to do it or anything 
Doesn't matter much to me who finishes it, as long as it is finished for closure's sake. See below.
Originally posted by Firebird:
**Since you gave me the d4 version of EVGE final, all those years back, I have worked on it here and there, but real life -- and probably my inherent inability to motivate myself sufficiently -- has gotten in the way. Here is a list of accomplishments to date, however, that I have managed to do and can still remember:
I can recognize that, it was real life issues which got in the way of me finishing the add-on to begin with. Moving away from home and attending university were somewhat more pressing concerns to deal with. And then I forgot about EVGE until you prodded me about it on ICQ a while ago 
Originally posted by Firebird: **
Ported to EV Override, fixing all compability issues (those I caught anyway)
-> Added some minor interface elements
-> Added some smoke trails
-> Adjusted some missile properties, taking advantage of new features
-> Tried to adjust some ship properties, particularly w/some of the many fighters and gunboats in the game, to add some flavor to combat
How does that work? If I don't remember completely wrong, EVO had a completely different base scenario than the original EV with the Confed/Rebel conflict replaced with a Human/Voinan(?) war, and EVGE expanded on the original universe. Have you modified it to expand the EVO universe instead, or have someone ported the EV-scenario to EVO? Never played EVO beyond the trial period since I liked the old EV-universe much better.
Originally posted by Firebird: **
Split the plug-in into even more files
What do you mean? I admit that my knowledge of EV-modding is a bit rusty by now, but what advantages does that give?
Originally posted by Firebird: **
Fixed spelling errors here and there, added more descriptive long ship names to those that didn't have good ones
Sounds good... there are probably a fair amount of spelling errors and typos since english isn't my first language.
Originally posted by Firebird: **
Made abortive attempts to write new mission strings, abandoning all of them because I couldn't get my creative writing juices flowing (they were all mundane, short, mission strings)
I think we don't need to add much more in the way of missions unless some really good plot just pops into our minds. Most missions tend to be either FedEx retrieve-and-deliver or bounty hunter search-and-destroy anyway, so it's only the plotline that sets them apart. Did you get the version where I added a final, slightly overkill mission series for the PA with regards to the aliens?
Originally posted by Firebird: **
I also planned some minor things like adding marine outfits for you to purchase, and possibly taking advantage of the flak idea (perhaps using weap ID 191 on a ship). We do have one ship slot left - #190, and I don't know what you want to do with it.
Marine outfits? Something new in EVO, or is my memory just really rusty? An add-on which improves your chances to successfully board an enemy ship? If you didn't get the version with the high-level PA vs. Alien missions, that ship slot is probably used up since I added a special alien planetary defense grid "ship" in that...
Originally posted by Firebird: **
If you want, I can send you what I have. But as you can see, I haven't really done anything meaningful, so you'll probably do a far better job of finishing the plug-in. Perhaps with your guidance though, I can continue to offer my assistance, and I might be able to do something that actually helps make the plug-in better. You can e-mail me at mikelee@cyml.cjb.net if you need to contact me that way; I haven't checked the boards in a while, though I probably will start to do it periodically again. If you're still willing to accept my help, I should probably report on what I've come up with (despite not accomplishing much, I have thought about the plug-in here and there, so I might be able to offer some input) and discuss some issues.
Well, you seem to have done a lot more than me at least, the files have just been sitting on the harddrive of my old mac collecting dust for more than 5 years 
If you still want to continue to work on the plugin, by all means do continue. I was just probing for if there was any interest in actually having the thing released despite the fact that more than 5 years have passed... And it felt a bit dumb to have an almost finished add-on just sitting on my drive not being released, since it, at least IMHO, is significantly improved over the one that is available here for download. Loads of tweaks and improvements in addition to the added new content.
In response to the post above... if I am not mistaken, the file available is not an updater but indeed the whole plugin. The name can be a bit misleading though.