Originally posted by Zax:
**...and try whenever possible to use correct grammar and punctuation...
On an elaboration of what Zax said, try not to use AOLspeak either. Incase you probably would guess, AOLspeak includes any of the following such foolish acronyms: "lol", "rotflmao", "gtg", "afk", and many, many others.
Otherwise, also, welcome to the boards. Here's a few people you should stay away from: forge. 
Heh heh... </sarcasm>
- Varter: Also known as "Granny" who will beat you with the cane and chase you with the broom. That's Granny!
"Be who you are and say what you want, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." – Dr. Seuss
(url="http://"http://education.yahoo.com/reference/bartlett/")Quotation Library(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/varter/")Varter's Familiar Quotations(/url)
(This message has been edited by Varter (edited 01-21-2003).)
(This message has been edited by Varter (edited 01-21-2003).)