I got stuck between two stones, and i can't get un-stuck. Is that a bug?
"Brevity is the soul of wit"...(yeah, right)
I'v been stuck in trees before, I have saved and reopened and would be free. So ya, a bug.
Well, I had something quite funny happening in a cave. I don't remeber which one but it had walls and was not High Garendall. My character just passed through a wall just like a ghost and walked in the dark. I managed to re-enter the cave however. It seems it was not a secret door as it was leading nowhere. Some clues about that?
Originally posted by Mac12:
Where is the cave and if it goes off the screen follow it.
I'd make a copy of your saved game file first.
If you can reproduce this, please note which cave, and let me know. Thanks.
David Dunham / tech support / Ambrosia Software, Inc.