Originally posted by Gecko:
**Hi! I was playing RoP in my guild terminator and I captured a Faction Heavy Warship (Because I thought it might be better) so now im flying that. So since im not working for the faction could some tell me the specs (shields, armor, weapon mounts etc.) Thanks... And is there anywhere I can sell the gunshipbays? And is this a good ship? K thats all
While in game hit P. A screen will show up telling your character info, ship info, and cargo info. Very useful. 
I can't help you with the gunbay thing as I don't know what guns they are, but I'm guessing they should be able to be sold like regular weapons... (Find a place that will buy/sell them, click on whatever it is you want to sell, and hit sell)
The best way to determine wehther (Not sure if I spelled it right) a ship if good for you is for you to test it out since different people have different preferences.
Hope I somehow helped! (Although I usually don't, lol)
"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.