If your in a lightning what do you do about patrol ships? Or do you keep some missiles?
If your in a lightning what do you do about patrol ships? Or do you keep some missiles?
Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**This is incorrect.
Then how come I went over to New Istanbul and blew up a few rapiers, jumed out, landed, came back, demanded tribute and only two rapiers cme out to try and stop me. Please do explain that.
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(This Message has been edited by a garden troll)
Originally posted by pooper:
**If your in a lightning what do you do about patrol ships? Or do you keep some missiles?
Heavy rockets.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Originally posted by EVula:
**Heavy rockets.:)
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(This Message has been edited by a garden troll)
For me it's really easy. Here's what I used:
1. Get A Rebel Cruiser (Preferably through buying, since the Alien missions will load you up so you can get your new Cruiser and upgrade it)
2. Mass Expand it 'till it's only got 15 tons of cargo space
3. Get all armor, speed, and shield upgrades.
4. Get 2 proton turrets.
5. Get a mix of guns. Pretty much your choice, but I'd go with 4 of those far reaching gun-things and 3 of the standard-gun things (Haven't played EV in a while, forgive my language)
6. Get bays, max 'em out.
7. Fill up the rest any way you want, then get escorts (Not neccesary, but fun)
8. Go all out against the 'friggen thing, BLOW IT'S.....windows off?.....YEAH! BLOW IT'S WINDOWS OFF!
Try using the Forklift. In my opinion, it's not a cheat, since it is built into the game. To me, it's only a cheat if you it's not built in and you add it in.
Lit Nerd
"...I fled, and cried out Death!
Hell trembled at the hideous name, and sighed
From all her caves, and back resounded Death!"
John Milton, "Paradise Lost"
Originally posted by Zax:
**Then how come I went over to New Istanbul and blew up a few rapiers, jumed out, landed, came back, demanded tribute and only two rapiers cme out to try and stop me. Please do explain that.
The defense fleet of a planet is fixed; the ships don't regenerate after you've blown them up. So the last time you demanded tribute, only 2 Rapiers were left -- that's why it seemed so easy to take the planet over that time.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"http://cs.paching.com/")http://cs.paching.com/(/url)
(hosted by (url="http://"http://www.evula.org")evula.org(/url))
If someone can't take out a Confederate cruiser than how do they take out an Alien cruiser?
The alien cruiser is extremely easy to kill as long as you have a quick ship with turrets. All you have to do is dodge its front beam. It doesn't fire its drones at you if youยre near. Alien cruisers just take long to kill. Fed cruisers are harder because they have an array of weapons to replace the need of maneuverability
When playing paintball. Hit someone in the same place for maximum pain.
But the Confederate cruiser is easier. If someone can't take a confederate cruiser than how come there good enough to take out an alien cruiser?
Originally posted by pooper:
**But the Confederate cruiser is easier. If someone can't take a confederate cruiser than how come there good enough to take out an alien cruiser?
because alien cruisers are mincemeat if you know what you're doing.
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(This Message has been edited by a garden troll)
I guess your right. The Alien cruiser is pretty easy to kill isn't it.
Of course, then there's the case of the Orion Galaxy Destroyer in EVGE. Or the new Alien ships. It's pretty hard to use the Monty Python maneuver or any circling technique against those, the way you could against the Confed Cruiser or Alien Cruiser.
Actually, come to think of it, a lot of difficult plug-ins really weren't that difficult in their presentation of more advanced alien ships -- it was still possible to outmaneuver the ones in Pale and Final Battle much in the same way you could with the Alien Cruiser in EV, as long as you had the right ships and upgrades.
Of course, difficult plug-ins always have to give you advanced hardware, otherwise beating the toughest ships would be nearly impossible. In a lot of cases, if your weapons are too weak, Alien ships' shields regenerate too fast for you to do any damage to them.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"http://cs.paching.com/")http://cs.paching.com/(/url)
(hosted by (url="http://"http://www.evula.org")evula.org(/url))
I usually just circle around the cruiser and use proton turrets to wreck it, the key is to switch directions fast enough so you dont get wrecked by its neutron cannons and massive proton turret barrages. another easy way is to use torpedos, on a kestrel you can get about 160 of them, and thats easily enough to take the cruiser down really far, then you can just have your little lightnings take em out, or you yourself can go in and take it down
I found the Alien Cruiser was insanely easy with a Tractor Beam. I just stood there and watched it die.
Douglas Adams, "I love deadlines. I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go bye."