I was thinking about making a real EV RPG here on the web boards. It would be more like the "bar" scenario as a opposed to a web story. This would be for the more serious people who like the Role-Playing situation with moving fleet and interacting as your charicter without the "so and so used his fleet of 1000000000000 to anihatlate the planet and the bar" type non-sense that most people commonly see in a bar. This post is merely for people who might have suggestions and help lay down some guidlines before the actual post is made (if it is).
My first idea is to call it the Levo Spaceport RPG. I think a spaceport would leave more open gameplay than just a bar, although there is still a bar included for those who would like to play off that. Also make it Levo because Levo is nuetral setting and pretty much in the middle of everything.
For a battle system I was thinking, the initial battel between players will be one post for each player stating strategy, ships, attack planning, ect. Then a nuetral party (probably selected judges) will determine by EV standards which person would realisticly win the fight in the world of EV. I would plan on being a nuetral judge, more people can though. A moderator would be great but I doubt we would get such a luxury.
Some possible ground rules:
1. Levo cannot be attacked or destroyed.
2. Fleets cannot come out of nowhere, they must be realistically formed
3. Maximum of 6 escorts per player
4. No forced kills, players cannot determine by themselves the outcome of the battle
5. Same battle rules apply for side arm fights
If we got any real Role Players out ther tell me what ya think.
RANK: Captain