Why am I trying to get rid of this status? If I'm going to be a usurper, I want to earn it, not be given it! Have you played "Quantumire Trilogy" yet? BTW: My usurper status in that system went back to normal after I bought fake papers at the outfitters. I was given a mission (forgot which one, now!), completed it, and when I looked at the map, every Fed and Independent system had me listed as either "Galactic Scourge" or "Public Enemy." I decided to buy the fake papers at the planet/station I was supposed to land on/dock with. Right now I'm supposed to be searching for the Black Hole. I opened the plug (after searching through almost every system)in EV-Edit and found that I'm supposed to find it in the Capella system. That's where I am now, waiting...and waiting...and waiting for it to arrive. I wonder if I'm supposed to go through the motions of a thorough search? BTW: this is the second run-through of the plug. The first time, I did a real thorough search, and found it in one of the Tronoth systems. I guess I wasn't supposed to find it there! Ya know, at first I thought the Tronoths were alive! However, after I disabled one, I boarded it and found it to be carrying three tons of metal (which I took, of course). In the Scrieen mission to defend Homeworld from the Tronoth mass assault, I found if I stood real still and did not make any threatening moves, or fired on them, the Tronoths would, for the most part, leave me alone! At that time, I didn't have the Light Burst device, so, under no conditions could I take on that many Tronoths! So, I decided to land on Homeworld, only to find myself amidst a hero's welcome! What a surprise!
"War not determine who right...War determine who left"
(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 08-07-2002).)